162 Pizza Pies Were ‘Tikkun’ for Siyum Hakadish

It wasn’t your regular rugelach and l’chaim: R’ Boruch Duchman marked the siyum hakaddish of his mother Mrs. Rochel Duchman by distributing 162 pies of pizza to the bochurim in 770 after mincha.

By Anash.org reporter

It wasn’t your regular rugelach and l’chaim.

Eleven months after the passing of Mrs. Rochel Duchman, as her sons concluded saying kaddish for her, her son R’ Boruch Duchman of Miami, Florida, marked the siyum hakaddish in a very unique manner.

Following mincha and the last kaddish in 770, vans pulled up with no less than 162 pies of pizza. R’ Boruch had ordered the pies to distribute them to the bochurim learning in 770 and the visitors, in leu of the traditional tikkun given at such occasions.

The bochurim lined up in queues at the front and back on 770, each receiving a few slices. The huge quantity of pies meant there were enough even for the hundreds of Tishrei visitors who are still stuck in New York.

But despite the eye-catching scene, R’ Boruch himself didn’t offer many words, simply saying “This is le’iluei nishmas Rochel bas Shneur Zalman Yissochor Getzel Halevi from Nevel.”

Her neshama should have an aliya.

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