15 American Yeshivos Learn Sicha of Birkas HaBanim

On Thursday night, a grand Seder Sichos for English-speaking bochurim was held in 770, with more than 300 Tmimim participating. The bochurim learned the Sicha of Birkas HaBanim of 5750, which fell on and discusses the Kvius of this year.

On Thursday night, a grand Seder Sichos for English-speaking bochurim was held in 770, with more than 300 Tmimim participating. The bochurim learned the Sicha said by the Rebbe at the Birkas HaBanim of 5750, which fell on and discusses the Kvius of this year.

During the seder there were refreshments given out to the participants, and in the end of the seder there were raffles on several seforim between all of the bochurim who participated.

The Seder Sichos was organized by the English Division of Eshel Hachnossas Orchim.

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