15 IDF Soldiers Killed in Gaza Ground War

Final Image of 10 Soldiers Killed by Anti-Tank Guided Missile

The IDF on Wednesday morning announced the tragic deaths of 13 additional troops who were killed while fighting in Gaza, bringing the total death toll from within the Strip to 15, following two deaths on Tuesday.

The IDF on Wednesday morning announced the tragic deaths of 13 additional troops who were killed while fighting in Gaza, bringing the total death toll from within the Strip to 15, following two deaths on Tuesday.

Later on Wednesday, the deaths of another two soldiers in Gaza were announced, increasing the number of soldiers killed in battle in the Gaza Strip to 15.

The soldiers named were Lt. Ariel Reich, 21, from Jerusalem; Cpl. Asif Luger, 21, from Yagur; Sgt. Adi Danan, 20, from Yavne; Staff-Sgt. Halel Solomon, 20, from Dimona; Staff-Sgt. Erez Mishlovsky, 20, from Oranit; Staff-Sgt. Adi Leon, 20, from Nili; Cpl. Ido Ovadia, 19, from Tel Aviv; Cpl. Lior Siminovich, 19, from Herzliya; and Staff-Sgt. Roei Dawi, 20, from Jerusalem; and 2nd-Lt. Pedaya Mark, from Otniel, Staff-Sgt. Roei Sargosti from Nahal Haro’eh Farm, Sgt. Shay Arvas from Holon, and Sgt. Itai Yehuda from Rishon Lezion.

Their deaths followed those of 20-year-old Staff Sergeant Roei Wolf of Ramat Gan, and 20-year-old Staff Sergeant Lavi Lipshitz of Modiin.

In all, 330 IDF soldiers have died since the Israel-Hamas war began on October 7th, making the current conflict Israel’s deadliest since the first Lebanon War, when 657 troops were killed between 1982 and 1985.

Hashem Yikom Damam.

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