120 YU Students Will Join Shabbaton in Crown Heights

The annual Chabad YU Shabbaton in Crown Heights will take place this weekend, with 120 students joining, double the average number, in honor of the Rebbe’s 120th birthday.

The annual Chabad YU Shabbaton in Crown Heights will take place this weekend, with 120 students joining, double the average number, in honor of the Rebbe’s 120th birthday.

Every Thursday evening, a busload of fifty (plus) Oholei Torah students travel from Brooklyn to Manhattan as part of the Bochrim@YU program, for a chance to meet and learn with the students of Yeshiva University.

The students come from various backgrounds, however they all come together for a single purpose… to learn Chassidus. To delve into the secrets of Hashem’s wisdom and to be inspired to grow by the words of our Rebbe.

The Shabbaton however, draws a broader audience.

For many students, this will be their first time experiencing the Chassidic Shabbos package, from Friday night davening in the Rebbe’s room to inspiring Shabbos farbrengens and a Havdalah extravaganza.

This year, the number of students joining will be even more than usual, with organizers expecting over 120 to attend.

“The expanded Shabbaton in dedicated in honor of the Rebbe’s 120th birthday this year, so we decided we would reach 120 students,” they said.

This shabbaton is being arranged by a number of Oholei Torah bochrim, with the help of Rabbi Levi Sputz, the new shliach at YU. Organizers extended a special thank you to Rabbi Yossi Langsam and Rabbi Shmeilach Rosenfeld. “Without them, the entire Shabbaton simply wouldn’t be possible,” they said.

However, say the organizers, they can’t pull this off without your help. Please become a partner and help them make this the greatest Shabbaton ever!

Click here to donate: Thechesedfund.com/YU-CHshabbaton5782


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