Oholei Torah Mashpia Leads Farbrengen at Lefferts Shul

A chassidishe farbrengen was held on Sunday night at Lefferts Shul to celebrate Yud Beis Tammuz, the chag hageulah of the Frierdiker Rebbe, led by Rabbi Berel Korf.

A chassidishe farbrengen was held on Sunday night to mark Yud Beis and Yud Gimmel Tammuz, the birthday and the chag hageulah of the Frierdiker Rebbe.

The farbrengen was held at Beis Eliyahu Nachum Ave, 672 Lefferts and was led by Rabbi Berel Korf, a mashpia in Bais Medrash Oholei Torah.


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