11 Chabad Couples Are Still Waiting for Your Help

Bonei Olam Chabad extends a personal thank you to each donor, who helped cover treatments for 29 out of 40 couples. But there are 11 couples still in need…

Bonei Olam Chabad would like to pause and thank the community for showing up for the couples going through fertility treatment. At events as well as donating to the fundraiser.

A personal thank you to each and every one of you! Thank you for raising $720,000 (and counting) for Bonei Olam Chabad. Your dedication to the couples of Chabad and Crown Heights is amazing! Thank you thank you thank you!!!

With your help we managed to raise over $723,000, which covers about 29 out of the 40 couples currently waiting. We, and they, are beyond grateful.

But as we have not yet reached our total goal, and still have 11 couples in need, we cannot rest until we secure the last $275,000.

We are leaving the link live for another 2 days, in hopes that a more donations will be given, and help us secure the funding needed, so that all the couples can be helped, without delay.

Click here to donate now: charidy.com/cmp/bochabad/770


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