11 Complete Masechta at YK Yerushalayim

As part of a special mivtza Torah at Yeshivas Kayitz Yerushalayim, 11 bochurim have completed Maseches Megillah, awarding them a special prize and activities.

As part of a special mivtza Torah at Yeshivas Kayitz Yerushalayim, 11 bochurim have completed Maseches Megillah, awarding them with a special prize and activities.

Over the course of the summer, 11 bochurim have participated in the mivtza Torah, and have dedicated time outside of seder for extra learning, quizzes, tests and chazarah to achieve this goal of completing a masechta in a span of 6 weeks.

Upon completion, the bochurim received a special prize of a leather-bound sefer dedicated to each one, along with special programs and farbrengens for them throughout the summer.

The Mivtza Torah initiative joined other mivtzas and programs that took place this summer at YKY, led by Rabbi Schneerson and Rabbi Avtzon, and motivated by the dedicated staff.

For more information about YKY, visit YKYsummer.com

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