10th Anniversary Dinner is a Springboard for More

Chabad On Campus Saclay, directed by shluchim Rabbi Levi and Bracha Mimoun, celebrated its 10th anniversary with over 250 people. “The event encourages us to continue to grow and evolve our programs,” they said.

Chabad On Campus Saclay, directed by shluchim Rabbi Levi and Bracha Mimoun, celebrated its 10th anniversary at a gala event with over 250 people.

Students, former students, and parents of students came to show their support during a beautiful evening of tribute to Chabad On Campus Saclay.

During the dinner, alumni shared memories of the impact of the shluchim and special video presentations were played.

Various former students who have had an impact on university life in the last 10 years were awarded a trophy for their involvement in Jewish life.

“It was a beautiful event, a true Kiddush Hashem,” Rabbi Mimoun told Anash.org. “Building on this great momentum, Chabad On Campus Saclay continues to evolve again and again, with its current and future projects, always at the service of Jewish students in their academic environment.”

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