1,000 Unite at Montreal Community-Wide Hakhel

Following the Rebbe’s directive, the Chabad community in Montreal, united for a grand Hakhel event featuring inspiring speakers and a simultaneous children’s program.

Following the Rebbe’s directive, the Chabad community in Montreal, united for a grand Hakhel event featuring inspiring speakers with a simultaneous children’s program.

The gathering was hosted at Chabad of Cote S. Luc, led by Rabbi Mendel Raskin, Shliach Rabbi Dovid Cohen moderated the event.

The guest speaker Rabbi Lazer Gurkow shliach to London, Ontario, who inspired the audience about the significance and obligations of the Hakhel year and in following the Rebbe’s directive on all matters of Hakhel.

A simultaneous gathering was held of all children in Tzivos Hashem led by Rabbi Zvi Hershkowitz accompanied by a special show.

At the conclusion of the event, attendees filled out Hakhel cards so that every person who is ready to get involved can write down their commitment on the card and submit them to the central Hakhel office in their community.

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