Zos Chanukah Is a Day to Ask Hashem for Yeshuos!

A new video clip features R’ Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin speaking of his Zos Chanukah miracle and how the day of Zos Chanukah is a day for every person to ask Hashem for yeshuos in their own lives.

A new video clip by Vayimaen features R’ Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin speaking of his Zos Chanukah miracle and how the day of Zos Chanukah is a day for every person to ask Hashem for yeshuos in their own lives.

R’ Sholom Mordechai shares:

“Zos Chanukah is a day when all the neiros of the Menorah are lit. It is a yom mesugal for experiencing tremendous Siyata D’Shmaya, Nissim, and Yeshuos. At the time of this story, I was in prison, sentenced to many years, RL. Despite the grim reality of my situation, I lived each day with Emunah in HaKadosh Baruch Hu and Bitachon in Hashem. I worked hard to strengthen my Emunah and Bitachon, dedicating myself to drawing closer to Hashem through Torah and Mitzvos. Even as I faced the challenges and negative influences of my surroundings, I resolved not to let them affect me.

“The day before Zos Chanukah, I received a letter from the highest court. It was a response to a motion that many legal experts had assured me I would win. Instead, it was denied. The letter made it clear that I was to remain in prison for many more years, and there was no apparent legal recourse. According to derech hateva, it seemed I was trapped with no way out. Yet as a Jew, with a Neshama connected to the Torah and the Aibishter, I refused to accept this as my reality.

“Turning to Shaar Habitachon, I drew strength from Torah and infused my Neshama with unwavering trust in Hashem. I resolved that if Hashem chose not to use the courts to free me, He would surely find another way to bring about my salvation. That night, I lit all the candles of the Menorah, pouring my hopes and prayers into the flames. The next morning, I woke with renewed determination, continuing my Avodas Hashem with the Bitachon that Hashem would surely help me.

“That afternoon, at 4 PM, the guards locked everyone in their cells for the daily headcount. I prepared for the Seudas Zos Chanukah, making do with matzah and tuna fish—humble fare that became a feast in my circumstances. With a heart full of faith, I recited Tehillim and davened to Hashem: “Today is Zos Chanukah. Today is a day of Nissim. שעשה ניסים לאבותינו בימים ההם בזמן הזה. Give me my neis. Give me my Yeshuah. Help me out of this trap.”

“As the sun was about to set, just six minutes before shkiah, the door to my cell suddenly swung open. A guard appeared and sternly ordered, “Rubashkin, get out.” Surprised but hopeful, I asked, “Am I going home?” The guard gave no answer, simply stating, “You’re changing location.” Clinging to my Bitachon in Hashem, I quickly grabbed my Tallis and Tefillin and followed. Another guard escorted me to the warden’s office, where I received the incredible news. Hashem Yisborach had used the president of the United States, Donald J. Trump, to grant me clemency and pardon. “You’re a free man. Go home,” they told me.

“I was overcome with emotion and gratitude, reciting the blessing הגומל לחייבים טובות שגמלני טוב. אמן! The joy I felt was indescribable, a reflection of Hashem’s boundless kindness and the power of Emunah and Bitachon.

“My dear brothers and sisters, we live in a time when many of us feel trapped, each facing our own challenges and trials. It can seem like we are overwhelmed by darkness, with no apparent way out. But Emunah teaches us that we are never alone. Hashem is always with us, listening to our prayers and guiding us. Our purpose is to overcome the darkness, to hold onto our Emunah and Bitachon even in the most trying times.

“Zos Chanukah is a day imbued with tremendous power—a day to ask Hashem for Yeshuos, even beyond the natural order. Baruch Hashem, I was freed on this auspicious day, and it became a moment of immense Simcha for me, my family, and all Yidden. Together, we celebrated the miracle and the joy of freedom.

“I was free!”


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