Yudi Dukes on the Road to Recovery

JNet director Rabbi Yehuda Dukes had his tracheostomy tube removed today, a huge milestone on his road to recovery. 

JNet director Rabbi Yehuda Dukes had his tracheostomy tube removed today, a huge milestone on his road to recovery. 

His wife, Mrs. Sarah Dukes, announced the good news on social media.

“This is a HUGE milestone in Yudi’s recovery!!!! Please celebrate by making a L’chaim with your friends and family, thanking G-d for this enormous blessing, and asking Him to continue sending Yudi continued healing and strength,” she wrote.

The family requests continued tefillos for Chaim Schneur Zalman Yehuda ben Hinda Yocheved for him to adjust to being off this life support exceptionally well, as the next 24-48 hours are critical and for the recovery to continue so he can be taken off the ventilator next.

“Thank you so much for all your prayers and support!!!” said Mrs. Dukes.

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