Yud Aleph Nissan with the Rebbe

On Yud Aleph Nissan, marking the Rebbe’s 118th birthday, we yearn to hear the Rebbe’s own celebration Farbrengen that we merited for many years. Listen to a curated playlist from Ashreinu in honor of this special day.

On the joyous day of Yud Aleph Nissan, when Chassidim celebrate together the Rebbe’s 118th birthday, we yearn to hear the Rebbe’s own celebration Farbrengen that we merited for many years.

Until that time, – may it be very soon! – we present below a list of relevant Yud Aleph Nissan audio for your enjoyment.

Restored Farbrengens

  • The very first Yud Aleph Nissan Farbrengen, marking the Rebbe’s 60th birthday, has been reproduced from the collections of the Cunin family, and Rabbi Sholom Yisroel Hodakov. Click here to listen.
  • Also in restored audio is the Farbrengen of 11 Nissan 5733, the Rebbe’s 71st birthday.

Special playlists for Yud Aleph Nissan

May we merit to hear the Rebbe’s holy voice on Yud Aleph Nissan this year, with the coming of Moshiach now!

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