YU Students Conclude “A Shabbos They Will Never Forget”

Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org

After a Shabbos packed with davening, learning and farbengens, students gathered for a Melava Malka with a special presentation JEM’s Rabbi Elkana Shmotkin and lively dancing led by the Zusha band.

By Anash.org reporter

Over 100 students from Yeshiva University converged on Crown Heights for the annual ‘Chabad YU Shabbaton’, where they spent Shabbos learning, davening, farbrenging and enjoying an authentic Chassidishe experience.

On Friday, the students arrived at Oholei Torah, where they signed up and picked up their sweaters. They spent the afternoon visiting 770, the Rebbe’s Library and the Rebbe’s house, in a tour led by Rabbi Yoni Katz.

Shabbos began with a beautiful Seder Niggunim led by Boruch Jacobson and Eli Marcus. This was followed with a Seder Sichos in Oholei Torah zal with the yeshiva’s bochurim.

They then headed to Crown Heights families who hosted them for inspiring Shabbos meals, giving them a true Chabad experience. After the meals, the students joined two authentic farbrengens with Rabbi Yossi Klyne of Nyack and Rabbi Yechiel Krisch of Pomona N.Y.

Shabbos morning began with two Chassidus shiurim by Rabbi Klyne and Rabbi Zalman Vilenkin in Oholei Torah. They davened Shacharis and had a beautiful Shabbos meal in Oholei Torah together with the bochurim.

Shabbos afternoon there was a farbrengen by Rabbi Ephraim Mintz and shiur by Rabbi Shlomie Greenwald. They then enjoyed some entertainment with a comical debate by Mendy Pellin.

Shabbos ended with a Q&A session by Rabbi Yechiel Krisch and a Havdalah ceremony.

Motzei Shabbos was an epic Melava Malka with a beautiful presentation about the Rebbe’s view on Eretz Yisroel from Rabbi Elkana Shmotkin. This was followed by a concert with the Zushe band and lively dancing.

“All in all,” said one of the organizers, “it was an incredible Shabbos they will never forget!”

Organizers would like to thank all those who spoke as well as:

Rabbi Shmeilach Rosenfeld of Oholei Torah for helping out each year ensuring the success of this shabbos; Rabbi Botnick of Keren Meir and Rabbi Shlomie Friedman of Tzach/LYO who stand behind the weekly learning program in YU helping to spread Chassidus everywhere; Manou Braun – Screen Heights; Anash.org; Charidy.com.

A special mention to Rabbi Sputz – Chabad of Washington Heights East and Ariel Mansano president of Chabad Club @ YU and all the OT Bochrim for helping make this amazing Shabbos!

Video Credit: Shmuly Grossbaum


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