Young Shliach Creates Virtual ‘Purim Spiel’

The lockdown in England over Purim will prevent the annual ‘Purim spiel’ tradition from taking place, so young shliach Meyer Shlomo Simon decided to make a virtual spiel to raise funds for his Chabad House.

One of the reasons given for the costume of dressing up on Purim is to facilitate those who wish to collect matanos le’evyonim without embarrassing themselves.

In many communities in the UK, and particularly in North West London, teams of both adults and children would go visit families as they are in the middle of their Purim Seuda, and present a cute spiel with the aim of raising funds for their organization.

This year due to government regulations they cannot go around to houses, raising much-needed funds on Purim, a time when the mosdos rely on the Tzedokah given.

As it’s covid times and keeping social distancing. Meyer Shlomo Simon from Meyer’s Dvar Torah’s is the sole actor, together with his brother Levi as the producer have made a “virtual spiel”, as we still need real funds!!!

We are trying to raise $57,810.00 over the next week.
To donate click here.

There is also a virtual competition and we want to ask you to help us by pressing like ️at


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