Young Professionals Shabbaton Opens in Crown Heights

Photos: Shmulik Reinetz/

After taking a break due to the global pandemic, Chabad Young Professionals Reencounter Shabbaton opened today in Crown Heights attracting hundreds of post-college young Jews.

Photos: Shmulik Reinetz/

After taking a break due to the global pandemic, Chabad Young Professionals Reencounter Shabbaton opened today in Crown Heights.

Hundreds of young Jewish professionals along from across the country with their Shluchim and Shluchos, arrived Friday in Crown Heights for the ReEncounter Shabbaton.

The Shabbaton will feature an all-star list of Jewish celebrities including singer Nissim Black, the once gang member and gangsta rapper, and Rabbi Simon Jacobson.

The Chabad Young Professionals Shabbaton is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for any young Jewish businessperson. The Shabbaton, overseen by a team of Shluchim, offers an authentic Jewish and Chassidic weekend experience. Participants are hosted by families in the community, partake in 770’s Tefillos, attend classes and lectures by world-renowned teachers, and are uplifted by meaningful and insightful farbrengens. The transformative weekend culminates with a special visit to the Rebbe’s Ohel. 

Above all, the highlight of the Shabbaton is the chance for participants to foster genuine and deep relationships with their community members, their Shluchim, and themselves. This opportunity is ever so necessary this year as the world recovers after the global pandemic. That is why, this year, the Shabbaton’s theme is “Re-encounter.” The motive will be for the attendees to reconnect with themselves, their Neshama and build deeper relationships with their spouses, children, and friends. 

This weekend does not only boast a spiritually packed schedule; it is also executed and arranged with CYP’s elegant flair and professionalism. This includes kosher food crawls, workshops, upscale cuisine, gala dinners, street tours, and live entertainment. Additionally, this year’s Shabbaton is taking all the necessary precautions to ensure the health and safety of its participants and the Crown Heights community. The Shabbaton organizers are closely heeding and regarding all the required CDC guidelines. As such, a limited number of people can attend the Shabbaton, so sign up as soon as possible.

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