Young Boy’s Miracle Story Documented in New Book

After retelling the miraculous story of the survival of heart warrior Nissi Estrin dozens of times, his parents Rabbi Elie and Chaya Rochel Estrin published the full story in a book form, titled “Of Medicine, Miracles and Mindsets”.

It’s not often that a variety of medical teams at different hospitals across the US all agree that there is no way to explain an individual’s case. The miraculous story of the survival of heart warrior Nissi Estrin has garnered powerful reactions from those involved in his care, as well as those who have been privileged to hear the story directly from his parents on Zoom talks, in person or on podcasts. But now, at long last, the full story has been released in book form under the title “Of Medicine, Miracles and Mindsets”, published by Mosaica Press. “When a miracle – or certainly, many miracles, as we experienced  – occur to you, you have an obligation to tell the story,” says Nissi’s father, Rabbi Elie Estrin

Estrin began work on the book some five years ago, even while Nissi was still in the hospital. “To be honest, I was not considering writing a book. I was just writing down the experience so we wouldn’t forget the details. But over the years, after telling the story at dozens of schools and Chabad Houses, we kept on hearing, ‘You need to put this down in a book!’ So due to all the encouragement we received over time, it took shape.” 

Still, Nissi’s mother and co-author Chaya Rochel Estrin realized there needed to be something more to it. “I felt strongly that there needed to be a purpose beyond just offloading our crazy experience. So it was only when we came up with the idea of the second section of the book that the pieces fell into place for me.” That second section details advice to medical professionals, families going through medical crises and friends of such families. “Everything we speak of comes directly from or is colored by the Rebbe’s approach to medicine. It’s a combination of advice and mindsets we used to get through the experience,” Rabbi Estrin explains. While other books have such advice written in a comprehensive manner over hundreds of pages, this book breaks it down in a personal, down-to-earth fashion, making it easy to digest and apply immediately.

The book has already received rave reviews. Baila Olidort, chief editor of Lubavitch International, says, “Nissi’s story leaves the reader in awe of the formidable power thatfaith and love wield in his parents’ fight for their child’s life against all medicalexpectations.” Rabbi Yosef Friedman, chief editor of Kehos, wrote, “Very compelling and bravely written. I could not put it down.” And noted author, doctor and ethicist Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz wrote, “Very moving and well-written…I personally benefited from reading Rabbi Estrin’s book. As a doctor, I found it exciting and medically well documented, and as a Jew, I found its life lessons valuable. The book has very good advice for people going through similar crises—shared from deep personal experience.”

Chaya Rochel Estrin hopes the book makes an impact in people’s lives. “At the end of the day, if the book helps even a single person going through a difficult experience in some measure, it will have accomplished the goal we set out for it.”

“Of Medicine, Miracles and Mindsets” is available now at“, and will be arriving in bookstores and Amazon soon.


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