Yeshivas Chayolei Beis Dovid Concludes Inaugural Year

This past Tuesday, a Siyum celebration took place in Yeshivas Chayolei Beis Dovid of the Poconos, marking the end of their first year. The event was held with the participation of the Temimim’s parents.

Photos: Avremka Eisenstein

This past Tuesday, a Siyum celebration took place in Yeshivas Chayolei Beis Dovid of the Poconos. Marking the end of their first year, the event was held with the participation of the Temimim’s parents, who were treated to a scrumptious meal.

Yeshivas Chayolei Beis Dovid was opened this year to give a place for Chassidishe Bochurim for whom a full day’s schedule of learning doesn’t work for them. The Yeshiva offers a unique schedule of learning, with the regular structure you would expect in Tomchei Temimim, with part of the day spent learning car mechanics and woodworking, amongst other trades. All in a Tomchei Temimim atmosphere, full of Chassidishkeit and Yiras Shmaim.

The event was emceed by the Menahel Rabbi Levi Raices, who called up Rabbi Mendy Hendel, the Menhalel Kloli of the Yeshiva, who thanked all the staff, Hanhala, and Shluchim, presenting them with a Sefer as an appreciation.

Hatomim Shneur Zalman Shpindler spoke, in the name of the Bochurim, thanking the Yeshiva for giving him the opportunity and space to grow.

He was followed by Rabbi Yakov Picha, a Mashpia in Yeshiva, and Hatomim Shmuel Hendel and Hatomim Mendel Spielman, who do much to keep the Yeshiva running properly.

As a representative of the parents, Rabbi Gilly Shpindler got up to say a few words, expressing the great appreciation the parents feel to the Yeshiva for its efforts to make sure the Temimim are happy, enjoying themselves, and mainly growing and succeeding.

Afterward, a representative of the Temimim, Hatomim Sholom Ber Gordon, made a Siyum Mesechta, as is customary during the nine days.

To conclude, those present were treated to a special video, highlighting what a typical day in the Yeshiva looks like.

The event was concluded on the note that this is not just an end, it is also a beginning, of going from strength to strength and growing in all aspects. The Hanhala is informing that there are only a few spots left for next year, so hurry up and register before it is too late.

Contact: [email protected] to register for the upcoming year

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