Yeshiva Shluchim Gifted with New Sefer

Yeshiva shluchim who came to spend the day of Yud Shevat by the Rebbe along with their Yeshivos were gifted the newly printed sefer of Reb Levik’s correspondence with the Rebbe before his wedding.

Over the week of Yud Shevat, Talmidim Hashluchim who came to spend the day of Yud Shevat by the Rebbe along with their Yeshivos, were gifted the newly printed ‘Sefer Yalkut Levi Yitzchak – Michtavei Hachasuna,’ Compiled by Rabbi Dovid Dubov, Shliach to Princeton, New Jersey, and author of the Yalkut Levi Yitzchok al HaTorah series.

“Yalkut Levi Yitzchok – Michtavei HaChasunah” includes insights and Pirushim that Harav Levi Yitzchok wrote in his correspondence with the Rebbe before his upcoming Chasunah on Yud Daled Kislev 5689, and beyond it.

It also is the beginning of their correspondence spanning many years (which appears in “Likkutei Levi Yitzchok – Igros Kodesh”, and some of which has subsequently appeared in the Rebbe’s “Reshimos” and other sources), as the Rebbe left Russia after Simchas Torah of 5688, and unfortunately never saw his father afterward.

Some of the Talmidim Hashluchim already received the gift at the beginning of the Yeshivah year before they embarked on their Shlichus at the annual Kinus Talmidim Hashluchim.

The gift was made possible by an anonymous donor in appreciation for all the hard work that the Talmidim Hashluchim do throughout the year in their respective Yeshivos.


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