Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati held a special Kinus and Farbrengen in honor of the Yartzeit of its legendary Mashpia, Rabbi Zalman Baras a”h. A special new Chassidus library was inaugurated as well.
Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati, under the leadership of Rabbi Gershon Avtzon, held a special Kinnus and Farbrengen in honor of the Yahrzteit of its’ legendary Mashpia, Rabbi Zalman Baras A”H.
The entire Yeshiva, local anash and community members, came to Yeshiva and heard from Rabbi Gershon Avtzon and some of the Talmidim and Alumni. The keynote address was given by Dr. Lee Schonfeld, a local psychiatrist who was very touched by the life of Rabbi Baras.
Special videos were shown from the life of Rabbi Baras and a special Kuntres of the shiurim of Rabbi Baras – prepared by his family in NY – was printed and distributed to all participants.
A special new Chassidus library was inaugurated in the Yeshiva as well.
The next day the Talmidim heard a special Shiur from Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm, of Crown Heights, who worked with Rabbi Zalman Baras in Oholei Torah. Many special hachlatos tovos were taken in the memory and in zechus of Rabbi Baras.