Nestled in the warm and nurturing environment of Chabad Zhitomir’s campgrounds, Yekea Winter Camp brought friends and counselors together once more. After a meaningful 36-hour journey from America, they reunited as the camp was inaugurated with a heartfelt Menorah lighting ceremony.
Yeka Winter Camp in Zhytomyr, Ukraine, began with an exciting and impactful Menorah lighting ceremony, bringing together campers and counselors to celebrate the first night of Chanukah. The camp is being held at Chabad Zhitomir’s campgrounds, the “Alumim Center,” providing a warm and nurturing environment.
The camp started with excited campers stepping off BM buses, eagerly reuniting with friends and counselors. This followed a 36-hour journey for the counselors from America, including a bus ride from Warsaw into Ukraine, as the country’s airspace remains closed.
With gratitude to our 530+ generous donors and Rabbi Shlomo Wilhelm of Chabad Zhitomir who made this possible, the camp is off to a great start, filled with Davening, Learning, and exciting Chanukah activities.
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