Yagdil Torah Signs Lease for a New Heichal HaLimud

Yagdil Torah's Heichal HaLimud at 574 Empire Blvd.

Yagdil Torah signed a lease on an additional location for a new Bais Medrash near President and Albany, providing a space for many more individuals to learn Torah in an accessible and conducive environment.

By Anash.org reporter

Yagdil Torah, an organization dedicated to facilitating Torah learning for anash, has announced that they have signed a lease on an additional location for a Bais Medrash, expanding one of the most used Torah assets in Crown Heights. 

“This is by far the largest responsibility we have ever taken,” Rabbi Levi Browd, Yagdil Torah’s founder and director, told Anash.org. “We are very excited, knowing the positive effect it will have on our community and the powerful ripple effect that it will have, b’ezras Hashem, on many other Anash communities.”

The additional location will be near President and Albany. It will feature a diverse library with seforim geared to children; adult readers of English, Hebrew, French, Russian, and Spanish; and basic, intermediate, and advanced learners.

Ever since Yagdil Torah was founded 15 years ago, its mission has been to facilitate and inspire Torah learning.

When Yagdil Torah saw the need for a location that would be available and conducive for Torah learning, they established Heichal HaLimud. Thousands of anash have benefited from Heichal HaLimud, choosing to learn there because of how convenient and available it is at every time of day. Seforim are always accessible and the general atmosphere of learning makes it easier for many people to stay on track and focus.

There is no doubt that Yagdil Torah fills a very important need in the Crown Heights community by providing individuals of all stages and from all walks of life with the opportunity to learn Torah.

For more information or for dedication opportunities, please contact Yagdil Torah at 347-223-5943 or YagdilT@gmail.com

Maximize the success of the new location by donating at YagdilTorah.org/donate


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