Women’s March Cuts Ties with Antisemitic Leaders

By Anash.org reporter

Following accusations that they fostered antisemitism within the organization, Women’s March co-chairs Linda Sarsour, Bob Bland and Tamika Mallory have stepped down from the group’s board.

The movement sprang up following the 2016 presidential elections and garnered widespread support and media attention ahead of its inaugural march in January of 2017.

As time went on, however, tensions began to rise within the group due to claims that the organizations founders were spreading anti-Semitic vitriol and bullying prominent Jewish members within its ranks. Leaders of Women’s March divisions around the country began changing their chapters’ names and announcing their departure from under the official umbrella.

In spite of the heated controversy, the original leaders remained at the helm. Now however, they have resigned, and 16 new board members, including several Jewish women, will be stepping up to lead the organization.

It seems that the willingness to turn a blind eye to anti-Israel and anti-Jewish bullying that was taking place within the group, which has had millions of supporters since its inception, has come to an end.

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