Women and Girls to “Shake Up NYC”

This year, as in the past, Lubavitch Youth Organization is opening the Mivtza Lulav Center for women and girls, where they can come pick up pre-made Mivtzoim Lulav Sets, to borrow and take with them on mivtzoim.

By Lubavitch Youth Organization

In 5714 (1953), exactly 70 years ago, the Rebbe launched Mivtza Daled Minim in order to encourage us to go out and give other Yidden a chance to bentch on the Daled Minim. Lubavitch Youth Organization gives women and girls in Crown Heights the opportunity to easily take part in this Mivtza. 

“On this long Chol Hamoed, whether you are going on a family outing or making a special Mivtzoim trip, take a lulav and esrog with you. You never know how many Neshamos you can reach,” says Rabbi Shlomo Friedman, administrator of LYO in Crown Heights.

Lubavitch Youth Organization launched the Mivtzoim Shop a few years ago to help meet the mivtzoim needs of women and girls. The Mivtzoim Shop at 305 Kingston Avenue has made mivtzoim quick, easy, and accessible for girls, with a one-stop-shop making available Neshek kits, Yom Tov guides, and more.

This year, as in the past, we are opening the Girls’ Mivtza Lulav Center for women and girls, locals or guests, where they can come pick up pre-made Mivtzoim Arba Minim Sets, to borrow and take with them on mivtzoim.

Thanks to our sponsors, we will  have over 50 sets ready to be picked up at no cost. Girls and women can come, sign out a set and be on their way!

Conveniently located near the train station, the center will be at 305 Kingston Ave (in the Levi Yitzchok Library) and will be open on Chol Hamoed – Monday-Thursday 12:00 – 5:00 PM, and Friday 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM. 

For any questions, feel free to contact us at +1 (845) 393-1951.

Looking forward to greeting you when you stop by!

Crown Heights Families: There are nursing homes that are eagerly awaiting visits this year. If you’d like the zchus to visit the elderly and shake Lulav with them, please reach out and we will connect you! 

Crown Heights Girls: We are organizing grand Chol Hamoed Mivtzoim groups on Tuesday and Wednesday, for girls from 4th grade through post-sem from all schools! To join a group as a chaperone (grade 10 and up) or a participant (grade 4 and up), email [email protected] for more info & to RSVP.


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