A new short audio podcast and YouTube video series on the Torah of the Rebbes father has been launched in honor of Chof Av. Weekly insights are shared by Rabbi Dovid Dubov.
A new short audio podcast and YouTube video series on the Torah of the Rebbes father has been launched in honor of Chof Av. Weekly insights are shared by Rabbi Dovid Dubov.
Rabbi Dovid Dubov of Princeton, New Jersey, is a world-renowned expert on Rabbi Levi Yitzchak’s teachings, he is the author and compiler of Yalkut Levi Yitzchok Al Hatorah.
In a letter from 5744/1984, the Rebbe wrote, “It is my obligation and great zechus to suggest, request, etc., that everyone study from [my father’s] teachings at the farbrengen.”
This week’s shiur is on the inner meaning of why male and female were originally created as one.
For weekly podcasts on the Torah of Harav Levi Yitzchak click here.
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