On the Rebbe’s 79th birthday, he addressed the attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan and the urgent need for proper education to combat the root issue. Watch the farbrengen and relive those special moments with zichronos by Rabbi Yossi Lew.
By Anash.org reporter
As reported on Anash.org, Vaad Talmidei HaTemimim has launched a campaign for bochurim to relive historic Yud Alef Nissan farbrengens by hearing the farbrengen and personal memories.
Today’s feature is the farbrengen of Yud Alef Nissan 5741 – the Rebbe’s 79th birthday. Zichronos of that Yud Alef Nissan by the Rebbe are presented by Rabbi Yossi Lew, shliach to Peachtree City, GA.
Fill out the quick quiz on the Sicha and enter into today’s raffle on a set of ספר המאמרים – תורת מנחם. Winner from Sunday (Yud Alef Nissan 5732): Mendy Zwiebel from Yeshivas Toras Emes.
To read a hanacha of the sicha in English, Yiddish or Hebrew, click here. .
VIDEO: Farbrengen of Yud Alef Nissan 5741
VIDEO: Zichronos by Rabbi Yossi Lew