When Reb Yoel Openly Poured Out His Love for the Rebbe

With Yud Aleph Nissan sixty days away, we present to you a special farbrengen by Reb Yoel a”h from Motzei Shabbos of Yud Aleph Nissan 5749.

Presented here, is a special farbrengen with Reb Yoel a”h from Motzei Shabbos of Yud Aleph Nissan 5749, in honor of Yud Aleph Nissan approaching in sixty days.

In this uplifting and joyful farbrengen, Reb Yoel openly pours out his love for the Rebbe, speaks about the mamer B’yom Ashtei Asar, and discusses the big revelations that occured during that Shabbos’s farbrengen with the Rebbe.

Throughout the farbrengen, one can hear the special focus on the niggun of that year, “Shir Mizmor”.

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