What Does It Take to Make a Shlucha?

What goes into creating our Shluchos, the backbones of our Chabad houses, who raise their families, support their husbands, and nurture their communities with Mesiras Nefesh and complete dedication?

It is the careful Chinuch, coupled with Hiskashrus and Ahavas Yisrael, that equip young women to move out on Shlichus. Chaya Mushka High School, nestled in the quiet city of Oak Park, just outside of Detroit, Michigan, was founded in 2009 with the mission and vision to raise young women that are living their desire to be closer to the Rebbe. The High School, housed in a spacious education wing and beautiful dormitory, has almost 60 girls, with capacity to accept more out of town students.

Chaya Mushka High School prides itself on its two core values: Ahavas Yisrael and Hiskashrus to the Rebbe. The emphasis on Ahavas Yisrael is not just taught, but modeled as the older students reach out with genuine interest to the younger students. The Chayus and Chassidishkeit that are given over to the Chaya Mushka students empower them with the tools to make the choices to be the very best Chassidim and Shluchos they can be.

Alumni of Chaya Mushka High School, Itta Freundlich, states “These days I’m living together with my husband in south Florida as shluchim of the Rebbe. I spend my time learning, teaching and inspiring people through his teachings. Chaya Mushka High School instilled those strong Chabad values in me. It has become a part of me and will stay with me forever.”

Principal of the school, Mrs. Bayla Blumstein stated, “Our school’s vision is to raise students who grow to become self-assured and passionate women, with clear focus and true desire to fulfill the mission that the Rebbe entrusted us with.” One of the many ways this is accomplished is through their B’nos Chabad programming- a branch of their mission that has recently received special funding and dedicated staff. Mrs. Blumstein states, “We have two full time staff running this program who serve as leaders and role models to our students and form strong lifelong connections with them. We consider B’nos Chabad to be equal, if not greater, to the academic component of our curriculum, and our investment reflects that value”

Dina Greenberg, a Chabad shlucha from Shanghai, has sent two of her daughters to Chaya Mushka High School. When asked about her favorite aspect of the school, she states “They have weekly Mivtzoim, Farbrengens and special activities that keep the girls positively engaged and involved. Every student is on a school committee for something and every student participated in the production of Song, Dance and Drama. All of these activities are connected to the Rebbe and the Rebbe’s ideals.”

Chaya Mushka High School is a school that cares about every individual girl. While the student body comes from a variety of backgrounds, the girls all have a similar passion and enthusiasm for going on Shlichus. And through the personalized attention the students receive, together with the uniquely designed curriculum and devoted staff, the girls flourish, gaining important building blocks for their future.

The school recently received a generous gift from longtime supporters Howard and Robin Schwartz. For the past four years, Robin has been meeting with some of the students to study and learn. Robin states, “These young women are so amazing, inspirational and smart. We are so lucky to have this high school for young women in our neighborhood. I see a bright and big future for CMHS. The school is a jewel and I hope more people can know about it to help it grow.”

Chaya Mushka High School is currently accepting applications for student enrollment for the 2019-2020 school year. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Mrs. Bayla Blumstein at: Mrsblumstein@cmhighschool.com

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