A new weekly Likkutei Sichos class for high school and seminary girls by Rabbi Mendy Wolf will now be available live for participation by conference call.
A new weekly Likkutei Sichos class for high school and seminary girls will now be available live for participation by conference call.
Due to many requests, organizers of the Crown Heights class have made the popular Shiur by Rabbi Mendy Wolf available for those who cannot attend in person to listen live via conference call.
The class, given by talented Maggid Shiur Rabbi Mendy Wolf, takes place Thursday nights at 8:00 pm at 1349 President Street.
Over 40 girls joined the last week’s shiur, and “are looking forward to continuing,” organizers said.
“Participants really came away inspired and with a deeper appreciation for learning a sicha in a meaningful and practical way,” they said.
Girls are invited to join and be inspired and uplifted weekly with the timeless Horaos, wisdom, insights and guidance from the Rebbe.
To Join live via phone, call in is available on Thursdays at 8 pm.
Phone number 425-436-6327 and put in access Code: 450634 to listen live to the shiur.
THe Shiur was arranged by Hiskashrus.org and IrgunTorah.org in conjunction with the Project Likutei Sichos cycle.