We Are Entering a New Era for Our Community

From the Anash.org Inbox: When elections were announced for Crown Heights Vaad Hakohol, I was quite cynical, questioning how much they could truly accomplish and whether they would genuinely care to make a difference. After a personal experience, I was pleasantly surprised.

By A Member of Anash in Crown Heights

It is well known how deeply the Rebbe invested in the Crown Heights community, striving for its betterment and growth. He famously emphasized that the principle of כאן ציווה השם את הברכה applies specifically to the community of Crown Heights.

In addition, the Rebbe didn’t just dedicate energy to community development; he believed that appointing suitable Parnosei Hatzibur as board members of the local JCC and Vaad Hakahal is essential for strengthening and developing our community as a whole. He even took time away from other important matters, in order to be involved in this process.

Therefore, when I learned about the upcoming elections for the Vaad Hakahal over the past six months, I expressed interest.

Admittedly, I was quite jaded and somewhat cynical, questioning how much they could truly accomplish and whether they would genuinely care to make a difference. Nonetheless, understanding that this was the Rebbe’s will, I was engaged in the developments of the elections.

I must say, I was pleasantly surprised by the outcome.

I reached out to the Vaad on several issues, and it was gratifying to see my concerns acknowledged rather than ignored. For once, there was a listening ear.

While my initial issues weren’t the most pressing, I found myself dealing with a significant issue, which affected many others in the community too, causing a lot of agmas nefesh. When I approached a member of the Vaad just to discuss it, he was very much aware of this issue which many were facing.

It also came to my attention that I wasn’t alone; others were facing similar challenges, and the Vaad was aware of these issues.

A short while later, I met him again, whereas he updated me on the actions he took on my behalf. I was pleasantly surprised that he had taken the initiative to advocate for me. Additionally, he continued to be supportive, discussing with me how this issue is affecting the broader community. I appreciated his awareness and the Vaad’s active engagement in addressing these issues, in which they were not only seeking short-term fixes but also considering long-term solutions.

In the end, Boruch Hashem, my issue was resolved.

Later, in conversation with another Vaad member, he cheerfully congratulated me on the resolution. When I questioned how he knew, I found that my issue had come up in the Vaad’s weekly meetings. It was heartening to realize that the Vaad is genuinely taking our community’s needs seriously, dedicating time to discuss individual cases.

While several individuals played a role in our positive outcome, I truly appreciate the commitment shown to my case and the sense that we are entering a new era for our community. In past decades, the Vaad’s focus was primarily on the bare essentials of their mandate. Now, we see individuals dedicated to addressing our community’s needs comprehensively, striving for tangible results.

The new Vaad operate not just within the strict dry mandate of their positions, but rather embody the spirit of their roles, representing the community’s diverse needs (whatever they are), and they genuinely want to bring about change.

It is also important to acknowledge not only those that took on the responsibility to improve our community, but also, their willingness to do so, was influenced by others who encouraged them to run. They also deserve our gratitude.

I would like to conclude with the Berocho, which we recite every Shabbos: may Hashem bless all those who are faithfully devoted to the needs of the community with all the mentioned blessings.

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  1. Yes, they are very dedicated to the needs of the community. And they have their fingers on the pulse as to what are the needs of the community.

  2. Vaad:
    Please empty out all the 1000 or so non jewish apartments IN CENTRAL CH and replace them with Yidden.
    These all belong to a LUBAVITCHER LANDLORD, it’s crazy to think that such a simple solution to SO MANY issues isn’t being implemented.

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