War Day 335: Hostages Tunnel Under Child’s Bedroom, 200 Terrorists Eliminated

War Summary, Day 334-335: Hostages were held in a tunnel under a child’s bedroom, Egypt pushing for IDF withdrawal from Rafah, U.S. senior administration official reveals proposal details including heavy concessions, IDF targets terrorists in the humanitarian zone, 200 terrorists eliminated in Tel Sultan, rocket fire in the north, and notorious terrorist eliminated in Tubas.

By Mrs. Bruria Efune

101 held captive in Gaza.
35 hostages confirmed murdered held in Gaza.
117 living hostages rescued.
37 hostage bodies rescued.
1,643 Israelis killed.
344 fallen soldiers and police in the battle in Gaza.
21 fallen soldiers in Northern Israel.
13 fallen soldiers and police in Judea & Samaria.
22,000 estimated rockets fired at Israel.
88,000 Israelis displaced from their homes.
1 Jewish nation united in prayer, charity, and good deeds.

Top Headlines:

  • Hostages were held in a tunnel under a child’s bedroom
  • Egypt pushing for IDF withdrawal from Rafah
  • U.S. senior administration official reveals details of the proposal, including heavy concessions
  • IDF targets terrorists in the humanitarian zone
  • So far, 200 terrorists eliminated in Tel Sultan, Rafah
  • Rocket fire in the north now 4x that of January
  • “Operation Summer Camps” ongoing in Judea and Samaria
  • Notorious terrorist eliminated in Tubas

Hostage Updates:

The IDF released photos and video of the entrance to the tunnel in Rafah where the six hostages were held up until their murder by Hamas. The tunnel entrance is in a child’s bedroom, with paintings of Disney characters on the wall.

Hamas is continuing with their horrific psychological warfare, and today released a video of Hersh Goldberg-Polin in captivity. Much of the video is clearly scripted, and expressed under duress—however, Hersh bravely stressed that he is from “Jerusalem, Israel.” He also said “since I arrived in Gaza, I’ve survived with almost no medical care little food and little water. I can’t remember the last time I saw the sun or took a breath of fresh air.”

Eden Yerushalmi, one of the executed hostages, weighed a mere 36 kg (79lb) at the time of her death.

The U.S. is preparing to present the updated hostage deal offer to Israel and Hamas in the coming days. The proposal is being drawn up with fellow mediators—Qatar (who hosts Hamas leadership) and Egypt (who has made it clear that they want Israel out of the Philadelphi Corridor).

The head of Hamas’s negotiation team, Khalil Hayye, today released a vide in which he stresses that their positions are unchanged, and that they demand afull ceasefire and full withdrawal including Philadelphi and Rafah. As usual, he blames PM Netanyahu for the lack of deal, which he threatens will “lead to more lives lost.”

Egypt released a dramatic propaganda video of a visit by Egyptian military Chief of Staff Ahmed Fathy Khakifa to the Rafah Crossing. The video is clearly meant to intimidate Israel out of remaining in Rafah and the Egypt-Gaza border. Egypt is known to have pretended to fight Hamas’s tunnels while taking bribes to keep them operational; bribed American officials to turn a blind eye—even attempting to bribe Trump; changed the terms of the ceasefire to favor Hamas; and are now threatening to cancel the peace treaty with Israel even though it has not been violated.

On Wednesday, the White House held a closed press conference with an unnamed “senior administration official.” The transcripts were published online, and gives some details to what has been negotiated this far in the first stage of the ceasefire and hostage agreement, which is meant to least 6 weeks, before moving to a permanent ceasefire. Some notable details:

(1) The original proposal was written before Israel took over the Philadelphi Corridor. In it, it says that Israel will withdraw from populated areas. The corridor is a long road along the border, and Israel argues, should therefore not be considered a “populated area.” Mediating parties seem to argue that the parts of the corridor which are long the perimeter of Rafah are populated, and therefore the IDF should withdraw from those parts—including the Rafah crossing. The administration official claimed that the U.S. “can fully account for Israel’s security needs on that corridor” without an alternative security force, but just with technological means, and a returned reliance on Egypt’s border security.

(2) 800 terrorists will be released from Israeli prison, including many who are serving life sentences for murder.

(3) Provision for the exit of wounded, explicitly including the exit of wounded Hamas terrorists for treatment and aid.

(4) Hamas would receive 600 trucks of humanitarian aid per day, including 50 trucks of fuel. (If Rafah is included in the deal, those trucks will easily be used for smuggling.)

(5) Freedom of movement for civilians internally displaced (with no IDF ability to ensure this doesn’t include terrorists). Full access for U.N. (including UNRWA) and other humanitarian organizations in all areas of the Gaza Strip.

(6) The immediate entry of equipment to clear rubble, as well as rehabilitation of infrastructure, electricity, water, sewage, communications, and roads in all areas of the Gaza Strip, and hospitals, medical centers, and bakeries.

This is all in exchange for only the female, elderly, and ill hostages, which number between 15-20, and of which 3 were murdered last week. The remaining hostages would come home in phase two, which is not expected to happen.

Also on Wednesday, Netanyahu held an English-language press conference, in which he repeatedly his explanation on the Philadelphi Corridor which he had said in Hebrew (see Day 332 update). He emphasized the lack of trust that Israel will be allowed to return to the Philadelphi if needed, and that Egypt’s security was not effective in preventing masses of weapons from entering Gaza.

Gaza Front Updates:

Over the last two days, Hamas fired rockets at Kibbutz Alumim and Nachal Oz, both near the Gaza border.
The Shin Bet says that a total of 116 rockets were fired from Gaza in August.

Thank G-d, the IDF did not announce any fallen heroes today.

Three divisions of IDF troops are currently operating in Gaza: the 252nd Division along the Netzarim Corridor, and pinpoint operations in Central Gaza and Gaza City; the 162nd Division in Rafah and along the Philadelphi Corridor; and the Gaza Division in the buffer zone.

An overnight airstrike targeted Hamas and PIJ terrorists in Deir al-Balah, in a command center near the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, which is in the designated humanitarian zone. The IDF says it used a precision strike to remove an immediate threat.

The IDF gave a report on activity in the Tel Sultan neighborhood of Rafah, where troops have had intense close combat battles, above and below ground. Troops have eliminated over 200 terrorists in the neighborhood, found 10 long-range rockets, and dozens of weapons hid across many homes.

IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi visited troops in the Netzarim Corridor in Central Gaza, which divides the North of Gaza from the South. He told troops, “We must not give up on any of the war goals. The IDF is continuing to defeat the military wing of Hamas and is doing everything possible to bring the hostages back alive. Every hostage we return alive now will have many more years of life, and every terrorist will ultimately be eliminated.”

Gaza Humanitarian Efforts Updates:

222 trucks carrying humanitarian goods were transferred to Gaza yesterday.

Approximately 440 trucks worth of aid are waiting for collection on the Gazan side of the crossing, 420 of which are the responsibility of the UN, 15 the Red Crescent and 5 private sector.

6 gas tankers and 1 fuel truck designated for the operation of essential infrastructure entered Gaza.

The IDF facilitated the opening of the 12th field hospital in Gaza, by MSF (Doctors Without Borders) of Belgium. The hospital contains 25 beds and is expected to expand to 100 beds with 300 medical personnel. The hospital contains an ER, surgery, orthopedic, and burns departments.

The third and final day of the Polio vaccination campaign in Central Gaza took place September 3rd, completing the first stage of the vaccination campaign. A total of 189,033 children vaccinated in total in central Gaza, exceeding the expected number of vaccinations in the area. The campaign will now move to the next areas.

Northern Front Updates:

Hezbollah in Lebanon continues with extreme fire on Northern Israel, firing 115 projectiles on Wednesday alone. At least one home in Kiryat Shemona and a chicken coop were hit, amongst other damage. Thank G-d, no physical injuries were reported.

The IDF carried out heavy airstrikes on Hezbollah targets in Southern Lebanon. Hezbollah reported the 433rd terrorist eliminated by the IDF since October 8th.

The Shin Bet published data on the number of rockets fired from Lebanon (mostly) and Syria monthly in 2024, showing a clear and significant monthly rise:

January: 334
February: 534
March: 764
April: 774
May: 1,000
June: 855
July: 1,091
August: 1,307 – averaging over 42 per day.

There are reports of ongoing secret negotiations facilitated by the U.S. and France, to bring about a ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah. It’s unclear why they are still trying the diplomatic route, unless there are serious concessions being offered.

A suspect approached the Israeli border from Syria this morning, and ignored IDF warnings to turn around, which included shots to the air. When the suspect neared the fence, without turning, the IDF shot him with a non-fatal wound. The suspect was then taken to an Israeli hospital for treatment. The IDF is investigating the incident.

Judea and Samaria Updates:

Operation “Summer Camps” is ongoing. Troops have so far eliminated 36 armed terrorists (20 in airstrikes), and detained 46. Around two dozen weapons have been confiscated, three bomb-making labs have been destroyed, and dozens of improvised explosive devices neutralized. Operations are ongoing in Jenin, Tulkarem, Tubas and suburbs, and Jericho. Some parts of Jenin have been evacuated of civilians, while gun battles are ongoing against the terrorists in the area.

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant explained the urgency of the operation: “The rise of terror in Judea and Samaria is an issue that we need to be focused on at every moment. The process is an attack to prevent terror. We are mowing the lawn, [however] the moment will also come when we will pull out the roots, that must be done.” E threatened tat every terrorist should be eliminated, or surrender.

In Tubas this morning, the IDF used an airstrike to eliminate prominent terrorist Mohammed Zubeidi, son of Zakaria Zubeidi, a notorious terrorist who escaped from Gilboa Prison along with five other high-security terrorists in 2021. The six terrorists were caught and returned to prison after a two-week manhunt. The younger Zubeidi participated in several terror shooting attacks. Four other terrorists were eliminated with him.

The IDF released a video of the demolition of a bomb-making lab in Tulkarem.

General Updates:

Israel completed a successful test of the Iron Beam laser-based air defense system. This first-of-its-kind test marked a significant breakthrough. The system is expected to be operational at the end of 2025.

This update is sponsored in memory of beloved father, Henry Hausdorff, z”l, whose yahrzeit is 14 Elul. May his neshama have an aliyah. By Eileen & Ken Creeger.

The entrance to the tunnel where the 6 murdered hostages were found

The IDF is paving a wide road along the Philadelphi Corridor

Hezbollah rocket hits a home in Kiryat Shemona

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