War Day 304: Rebbe Video on National Television, Israelis Carry on Calmly

War Summary, Day 304: UN investigation finds that 9 UNRWA employees took part in the October 7th massacre, Israelis are largely carrying on as usual in the meantime, and U.S. is giving strong support to Israel.

War Summary, Day 304:

115 held captive in Gaza.
41 hostages confirmed murdered in Gaza.
116 living hostages rescued.
24 hostage bodies rescued.
1,615 Israelis killed.
331 fallen soldiers and police in the battle in Gaza.
19 fallen soldiers in Northern Israel.
9 fallen soldiers in Judea & Samaria.
20,500 estimated rockets fired at Israel.
90,000 Israelis displaced from their homes.
1 Jewish nation united in prayer, charity, and good deeds.

Top Headlines:

  • Despite rumors, IDF general confirms that Netanyahu is not attempting to torpedo negotiations
  • Continued speculation about when and how Iran and Hezbollah may retaliate
  • US intelligence suspects two waves
  • Israelis are largely carrying on as usual in the meantime
  • U.S. is giving strong support to Israel
  • Russia is reportedly supplying Iran with air defenses
  • Explosions in Isfahan
  • Two important Hamas terrorists eliminated
  • Hezbollah Radwan commander eliminated
  • UN investigation finds that 9 UNRWA employees took part in the October 7th massacre
  • Iraqi militia attacks US Army base

Hostage Updates:

Today is the fifth birthday of Ariel Bibas, from Kibbutz Nir Oz, who is still being held hostage in Gaza with his mother and baby brother, and separate from his father.

Amit Segal, of Channel 12, reported on a private conversation between families of hostages, and Major General Nitzan Alon—who is a member of the negotiations task force, and known for not agreeing with Prime Minister Netanyahu on many issues. In the conversation, Maj. General Alon told the families that contrary to rumors, Netanyahu is not doing anything to torpedo a hostage deal, and confirmed what Netanyahu has been telling them—that Hamas still has not agreed to the original deal outline presented by U.S. President Biden on May 27th.

“Hamas has not yet accepted this outline, and has placed its own demands in front of it,” he said, adding that “Netanyahu asked to clarify some sections of the outline, including the corridor to the north. He did not deviate from the outline of May 27, and his demands are legitimate. I don’t necessarily agree with it, but it is within the framework of the outline.”

According to the rumors, Alon believes that Israel can give in to Hamas demands to evacuate the Netzarim and Philedelphi Corridors, allowing free movement and smuggling for Hamas for 6 weeks, in order to allow the return of some of the hostages. Netanyahu has made it clear that he does not want to allow Hamas the chance to restrengthen, and is negotiating for terms to bring the hostages home without damaging security achievements.

Iran & Proxies Attack Updates:

Home Front Command directions have not yet changed. Israelis are still encouraged to go about life as normal, while remaining vigilant and aware. The Home Front Command app has all the latest instructions, including information about each kind of alert, and how to prepare.

There still remain many conflicting rumors about when Iran will respond. Iran is enjoying keeping everyone in suspense. One of the reasons it’s harder to figure out Iran’s plans now, compared to in April, is because most of their military assets are already in place—since April.

On Sunday, American Secretary of State Anthony Blinken told the representatives of the G7 countries that “Iran and Hezbollah may launch an attack against Israel in the next 24-48 hours.” On Monday evening, the Pentagon spokesman told the Sky News network in Arabic that they have not noticed any movements by Iran that indicate an attack in the coming hours. The Wall Street Journal confirmed that Iran issued a NOTAM (air notice) Monday morning, which is something they did on April 13, just before the attack.

However, Hezbollah leader, Hassan Nasrallah, is expected to give a memorial speech on Tuesday at 5:00 PM, and may hold off large-scale attacks until then. In addition, according to the Guardian, Iran is expected to convene a meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation on Wednesday, in an attempt to garner support from Muslim countries for retaliating against Israel. It is possible that Iran will wait for the results of the meeting on Wednesday before any attack.

It is also still possible that Iran will wait a week until Tisha B’Av, on Monday night.

According to Barak Ravid of Axios, late Monday evening Biden and Harris were told that U.S. intelligence expects a scenario involving two separate waves of attacks — one from Hezbollah, and one from Iran and its other proxies. But it was still unclear who is going to attack first, and what kind of attack they are are going to conduct.

It is clear that Iran is making efforts to keep everyone in suspense, and Israelis, by large, are not going for it, and are refusing to stay home waiting. Public spaces and outings remain full as on regular summer days.

The New York Times reported that at Iran’s request, Russia is supplying advanced air defense systems to the regime, and has already begun delivering. Russia, a long-time ally of the Iranian regime, announced full cooperation with Iran in dealing with current regional issues.

While Israel is at full military readiness on the defensive, Moariah Asraf of Channel 13 reports that Israel may be preparing for preemptive attacks against Hezbollah. It’s possible that this evening’s strike which eliminated a senior Radian commander was that strike, or that more is to come.

US CENTCOM chief, Gen. Michael Kurilla, arrived in Israel this morning, and held strategic planning meetings with IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, which which the Defense Ministry says they discussed “the coordination of defense cooperation between the respective establishments and militaries.” And also “ways to expand the international coalition facing aggressive activities by Iran and its proxies against Israel, and destabilizing the Middle East region.”

Israel and the US are in close communication, and while the US is pulling all diplomatic efforts to ease tensions avoid escalation, the US is also standing firmly by Israel, in support. Two American destroyers, the USS Laboon and USS Cole, have shifted from the Gulf of Oman to the Red Sea, in the direction of Israel. The aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt remained in the Gulf of Oman as of this morning.

Israel Hayom reported that the US approved the delivery of 500kg munitions to Israel after previous refusals; however the shipment of heavy 1,000kg bombs which are needed for a potential war in Lebanon are still on hold. The Israeli Air Force says that it has sufficient munitions set aside for a conflict with Hezbollah.

Midday, fuel tanks caught fire in Iran’s Dogharoun Special Economic Zone on the border with Afghanistan. The fire caused heavy damage to the fuel storage infrastructure, and took several hours to put out.

Late Monday night, there were reports of a large explosion (or according to some reports, five explosions) at the Iranian ballistic missiles launch site of Hurdad in Isfahan. The regime says it was a “training exercise.”

Gaza Front Updates:

Hamas fired one barrage of around 15 rockets at Israeli communities near the Gaza border. Most rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome, but others made impact in empty areas and near highways. A truck driver was lightly injured by a rocket impact near Kibbutz Re’im. The rockets were likely launched from Khan Younis, in Southern Gaza, which the IDF has recently issued renewed evacuation warnings for.

Thank G-d, the IDF did not announce any fallen heroes in Gaza today.
Four IDF reservists were seriously injured in battle in Southern Gaza.

Three divisions of IDF troops are currently operating in Gaza: the 252nd Division along the Netzarim Corridor, and on pinpoint operations in Central Gaza; the Gaza Division in the buffer zone; and the 162nd Division in Rafah and along the Philadelphi Corridor. The IDF carried out over 50 airstrikes over the last day, including squads of terrorists, buildings used by terrorists, observation points, and other Hamas infrastructure.

The IDF announced that in the airstrike on a Hamas command center in a school in Gaza City yesterday, the IDF eliminated Jaber Aziz, who was the commander of Hamas’s Sheikh Radwan Battalion, which is part of Hamas’s Gaza City Brigade. Aziz played a significant role in the planning of the October 7th massacre, and lead the preparing and training for his battalion, He also participated in the massacre in Israeli communities. The IDF says his elimination is a “significant blow” to Hamas’s capabilities.

The IDF confirmed reports that yesterday’s airstrike in Deir al-Balah eliminated Abd al-Fattah al-Zari’i, who was Hamas’s economy minister, and also an important operative in Hamas’s weapons manufacturing division.
The IDF says Al-Zari’i, also played a “significant role in directing Hamas’ efforts to seize control of humanitarian aid entering the Gaza Strip” and manage Hamas-controlled markets, as well as the fuel, gas, and funds needed for terror activities.

The IDF refuted a claim from a CNN investigation, which claimed that only 3 out of 24 Hamas battalions in Gaza are combat ineffective. The IDF says that according to findings and intelligence on ground, most of the Hamas Brigades have been dismantled, and most are at a low level of competency and can no longer function as a military framework. According to the IDF, “The claims made in the article contradict the achievements of the forces on the ground, and create a false representation of the situation of Hamas in Gaza.”

Gaza Humanitarian Efforts Updates:

The UN Office of Internal Oversight Services completed an investigation into accusations against 19 UNRWA employees who the IDF says took an active part in the October 7th massacre. According the the investigation, in the case of one employee, no evidence was found for his involvement; in the case of 9 employees, insufficient evidence was found; in the case of the remaining 9, evidence was found that they “may have” participated in the massacre, and those 9 were fired.

The UN has not made any formal statement about the investigation results, and continues to employ UNRWA to facilitate humanitarian aid in Gaza.

Northern Front Updates:

Hezbollah in Lebanon continues to fire heavily on Israel’s far north. Most rockets fired at civilian areas were successfully intercepted. Overnight, an IDF officer and soldier were moderately wounded by an attack drone near Ayelet HaShachar.

The IDF carried out airstrikes against Hezbollah targets in Southern Lebanon, including to eliminate a squad of active terrorists, and to destroy weapons depots and other Hezbollah infrastructure.

In a drone strike this evening, the IDF eliminated Ali Jamal al-Din Jawad, a commander in Hezbollah’s elite Radwan unit. The IDF says his elimination is a significant blow to Hezbollah’s capabilities in attacking Israel.

Maj. Gen. Ori Gordin, the chief of the IDF Northern Command met with mayors of cities and communities in the north today, and reassured them that the IDF is fully ready for an offensive, to make the north safe again.

“I want you to know that our offensive plans going forward are ready and we are prepared for this, in all aspects, from me to the last of the soldiers,” he said. ”We attacked and destroyed a lot in the last ten months but we still have work to do, we are determined and committed,” he adds, according to remarks released by the IDF.

Houthi & Iraqi War Front Updates:

Al Jazeera reported two explosions near Iraq’s Ain al-Assad Airbase, which houses American troops. An Iraqi militia, identified as al-Thawryoon, claimed responsibility for the attack, saying they used drones and missiles. There are reports that the attack resulted in several injured U.S. personnel.

Judea and Samaria Updates:

IDF forces carried out counterterrorism operations in Jenin today, focusing on locating and confiscating illegal weapons and explosives. Witnesses reported that terrorists opened fire on the troops, who responded, and eliminated at least one armed terrorist.

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