War Day 304: IDF Prepares for Attack, Multiple Terrorists Eliminated

War Summary, Day 304: Russia asks Iran to show restraint, IDF concludes the death of Bilha Yinon, many terrorists eliminated in Gaza, Sinwar is Hamas’s new political leader, escalation in the north, 19 civilians, 6 soldiers injured, shooting attack thwarted, and several PA terrorists eliminated in operations.

By Mrs. Bruria Efune

115 held captive in Gaza.
41 hostages confirmed murdered in Gaza.
116 living hostages rescued.
24 hostage bodies rescued.
1,616 Israelis killed.
331 fallen soldiers and police in the battle in Gaza.
19 fallen soldiers in Northern Israel.
9 fallen soldiers in Judea & Samaria.
20,550 estimated rockets fired at Israel.
90,000 Israelis displaced from their homes.
1 Jewish nation united in prayer, charity, and good deeds.

Top Headlines:

  • Date of Iran attack still unknown, could be Tisha B’Av
  • Russia asks Iran to show restraint
  • Iran attack could last 2-3 days, Hezbollah longer
  • Worrying report on Iran nuclear capabilities
  • IDF concludes the death of Bilha Yinon
  • Many terrorists eliminated in Gaza
  • Sinwar is Hamas’s new political leader
  • Escalation in the north
  • 19 civilians, 6 soldiers injured
  • Border Police officer stabbed
  • Shooting attack thwarted
  • Several PA terrorists eliminated in operations

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Hostage Updates:

Negotiations are still ongoing, with the U.S. hoping for a deal to be made soon. However the gap still has not been closed—Hamas wants a complete IDF withdrawal in the first phase of the truce, so that they may rebuild. Israel wants to at least hod the Netzarim Corridor (which divides the north from the south of Gaza) and the Philadelphi Corridor, to prevent smuggling.

Iran & Proxies Attack Updates:

IDF Home Front Command instructions have not changed yet. However, due to the high risks, the command cancelled the annual event at the gravesite of the Arizal (Isaac ben Solomon Luria Ashkenazi, a prominent 16th century rabbi) in Tzfat, which would have taken place between Thursday and Shabbat, marking the anniversary of his passing.

Israelis continue to carry on with the daily routine as normal, other than a 260% rise in orders for ice cream, as reported by Wolt (Israel’s grocery shopping app, equivalent to Instacart). Israelis are reportedly also stocking up on salty snacks, water, canned foods, and in larger amounts—diapers and formula.

While U.S. intelligence (according to the Wall Street Journal) is spotting signs of Iran preparing, by moving launchers into place and carrying out exercises, it is still unknown when Iran will attack, though it is clear that the axis is enjoying keeping everyone in suspense. Tisha B’Av (Monday night) is looking like a possibility.

Hezbollah leader, Hassan Nasrallah wrote on X/Twitter, in Hebrew, “Maybe today, maybe tomorrow, maybe in a week ⏳.” In typical fashion, Israelis responded to his post in humor, with comments such as: “The technician when I ask when he’ll come,” “Me starting a diet,” “When you ship your missiles with Israel Post,” and “Me, when I need to study for an exam.”

During this time, Israel and the U.S. are using both military posturing and diplomacy to encourage Iran to deescalate. In an interesting report from Reuters, Russian President Vladimir Putin asked Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, that Iran’s response be restrained. It was also reported that Tehran asked Russia for the supply of Sukhoi SU-35 fighter jets, but Russia did not respond to the request. This comes after reports that Russia did supply air defenses systems to Tehran. Khameini will still try to garner some backing from Muslim countries on Wednesday, at a meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, though it’s doubtful that any of the major neighboring countries will support his attack.

In Lebanon, Foreign Minister Abdullah Bou Habib said: “We are trying to prevent a harsh reaction from Hezbollah that will lead to a widespread war. We are working to prevent an all-out war that will harm the interests of all countries in the region. We hope that the reaction against Israel will not be collective or strong.”

According to a roundup from Israeli analysts, Israel is expecting 2-3 days of attacks from Iran and proxies in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen, which will be aimed primarily at military targets and economic assets—though misdirection towards civilian populations, or shrapnel from interceptions falling in wider areas, should be expected. Civilian areas at risk are in major cities, and areas nearby major army bases. The Iranian regime seems to be deterred from escalating to a total war, partially because they are already too unstable domestically.

Hezbollah in Lebanon my attack separately, though around the same time, and will likely claim to only aim at military targets, but misdirect towards population centers. Hezbollah’s attack primarily threatens Northern Israel, with the heaviest attack, the densely populated Tel Aviv area with long-range missiles, and Be’er Sheva and Dimona in the south at a smaller amount. Hezbollah may risk moving into a larger war with Israel, which could take months, though the possibility of a shorter event still exists.

Both attacks will use a mix of short and long range missiles, and UAVs of all sizes, in an attempt to overwhelm and confuse Israel’s interception systems.

Moments before Nasrallah’s speech in Lebanon today, IDF jets were spotted flying low, over Beirut, and made multiple loud booms from breaking the sound barrier, in what may have been a symbolic warning.

Canada announced that it is evacuating family members of diplomats from Israel due to the escalation.

U.S. Defense Secretary Austin spoke with Israeli Defense Minister Gallant, and also discussed yesterday’s attack by an Iranian-backed militia in Iraq against a US Army base, and agreed that it signaled a dangerous escalation, and demonstrated Iran’s destabilizing role in the region. Austin also said that the US is taking “steps to strengthen its military presence in the region.”

The U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligence declassified a very concerning July report on Iran’s nuclear program, which FDD CEO, Mark Dubowitz, points out, no longer includes what was written in all previous reports: that Iran is not undertaking weaponization activity. Now it says Iran has “undertaken activities that better position it to produce a nuclear device.”

This morning, the U.S. Department of Justice announced that the FBI arrested Asif Raza Merchant, 46, who is accused of being hired by Iran to assassinate an American politician or official on U.S. soil.

Gaza Front Updates:

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) in Gaza launched three rockets from Northern Gaza, towards the Sderot area, and Ashkelon. One rocket was intercepted by the Iron Dome, the other two hit empty areas. No physical injuries were reported.

After 10 months of the unknown, the the IDF notified the family of Bilha Yinon, 76, that she had been killed by Hamas on October 7th. During the attack, the house of Bilha and Yakov Yinon in Netiv Ha’asara was set on fire by Hamas terrorists who had paraglided into the small town. DNA evidence had been found to declare Yakov’s death, but Bill was declared as missing. She was not suspected to have been kidnapped, as there was no evidence of any kidnapping from Netiv Ha’asara. After recent findings in the remains of the Yinon home, leading to what the IDF says was a “complex examination and investigation procedure,” a panel of health experts, IDF officials, police officials, and the chief rabbi concluded that Bilha had been killed in the fire alongside her husband.

Bilha was the last victim of October 7th to be considered missing, and her family now has the closure, and can sit shiva for her.

Thank G-d, the IDF did not announce any fallen heroes today.
A medical officer and a paramedic were seriously injured during battle in Southern Gaza.

Three divisions of IDF troops are currently operating in Gaza: the 252nd Division along the Netzarim Corridor, and on pinpoint operations in Central Gaza; the Gaza Division in the buffer zone; and the 162nd Division in Rafah and along the Philadelphi Corridor. The IDF carried out dozens of airstrikes against Hamas (and PIJ) targets.

A drone strike in Southern Gaza eliminated Muhammad Mahasna, a Hamas operations officer who was in charge of smuggling weapons into Gaza primarily by sea, but also worked with cross-border tunnels and land crossings

In Central Gaza, troops eliminated over 20 terrorists in close-quarters-combat, and by calling in airstrikes. On October 7th, many hostages were seen paraded in streets of Central Gaza, and therefore there is speculation that the IDF is extra cautious in the area, due to the possibility of hostages being held in the buildings above ground. After Rafah, Central Gaza is home to the last two Hamas battalions, which are weakened, but still somewhat operational.

In Rafah, IDF troops continue with thorough searches for tunnels and traps, and eliminated around 25 terrorists.

Hamas announced that it has appointed Yahya Sinwar as the terror group’s next politburo chief, after the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh. Sinwar is already the military leader, and the chief mastermind behind the October 7th massacre.

Gaza Humanitarian Efforts Updates:

The IDF temporarily closed one of the main delivery routes which lead from the Kerem Shalom Crossing to the humanitarian zone in Gaza, after Hamas fired at IDF troops guarding the area. Five soldiers were wounded in the attack, including two seriously. The IDF closed the route while working to eliminate the attackers, and declared it temporarily as an active combat zone.

The Kerem Shalom Crossing itself remained open, as did the three other entry points.

On August 5th:

274 trucks carrying humanitarian goods were transferred to Gaza.
77 aid trucks were collected from the Erez crossing, and 235 trucks were collected from the Kerem Shalom Crossing. Currently, there are about 600 trucks worth waiting to be collected from the Gazan side of Kerem Shalom crossing.

6 tankers of cooking gas designated for the operation of essential infrastructure were transferred at the request of aid organizations.

13 bakeries are operational (6 in northern Gaza and 7 in central Gaza), producing close to 3 million pita loaves a day.

Over 850,000 tons of aid entered Gaza since the start of the war. Close to 80% of it was food.

Northern Front Updates:

Hezbollah’s fire escalated in quantity and slightly in range today, in response to the elimination of a Radwan commander yesterday. Dozens of rockets and several attack drones were launched at Northern border communities and the upper Galilee, as far as Akko. Six IDF soldiers were lightly injured in a drone attack in the Western Galilee. Later, during a UAV attack in Nahariya, an Iron Dome interceptor misfired and impacted on a highway. 19 people were evacuated to the hospital, including a man in critical condition, and a woman in moderate condition. At least three fires broke out due to the attacks.

Amidst the heavy attacks, local councils in many far north communities instructed civilians to stay near shelter. This was not a Home Front Command instruction, but has been done periodically throughout the war on a municipal level.

The IDF responded with airstrikes on Hezbollah targets in Southern Lebanon, and eliminated at least 6 Hezbollah terrorists in action.

Houthi & Iraqi War Front Updates:

The U.S. Central Command reported that in the last 24 hours they intercepted cruise missiles and U-boats over the Red Sea. These missiles were aimed at coalition ships.

Judea and Samaria Updates:

A terrorist stabbed an IDF Border Police officer with a screw driver. The officer is reported to be in good condition. The terrorist was eliminated. The incident happened at the Jerusalem Tunnels Checkpoint, when passengers were taken off a bus for questioning to ensure they had legal permits before entering Israel. Police say they found a knife and other means on the terrorist’s body.

Two Palestinian terrorists attempted to carry out a shooting attack near the Jewish town of Beka’ot in the Jordan Valley. An IDF combat intelligence unit was aware of their intentions and ambushed them on their way to the attack. One terrorist fled, the other was eliminated.

In a 24 hour operation which began on Monday afternoon, the IDF eliminated 11 terrorists in clashes during a counterterrorism operation in Jenin. Four of the terrorists were eliminated in a drone strike. One soldier was moderately wounded during the fighting.

In another incident in Tubas, the IDF operated to arrest a man wanted for terror activities, and eliminated him as he attempted to flee. The IDF also eliminated three terrorists who were firing at the troops during the operation. No soldiers were hurt in the operation.

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  1. According to news reports, Iran has backed of the planned big attack in exchange for their own countries existence after America showed the possibility of hitting hard.

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