‘Vision Alive’ Film to Showcase the Rebbe’s Ongoing Impact

A new film geared for Chabad House audiences featuring Michal Oshman, Sivan Rahav Meir, Arnie Herz, and JJ Eleff, highlights how 30 years after Gimmel Tammuz, the Rebbe’s message continues to inspire more people and reach new audiences.

The Rebbe’s incredible influence on the trajectory of world Jewry need not be emphasized. Neither is the potency of the Rebbe’s revolutionary, positive approach to Jewish outreach and observance a case that needs to be made. But 74 years after the Rebbe began his brazen rebellion against the conventional wisdom, the Rebbe’s message continues to inspire more people and reach new audiences.

Towards this end, as Jews the world over prepare to mark the 30th anniversary of Gimmel Tammuz, a new film has been released showcasing how the passage of time has not dulled the Rebbe’s impact. Created to be shared on social media and screened at live events, this monumental film carries the Rebbe’s message into spaces that have not yet had the privilege to encounter it.

In a series of interviews, the presenters share the Rebbe’s powerful influence on their own lives work. An entrepreneur, TV broadcaster, international social media executive, and a tech founder all feel the Rebbe’s enduring presence in their lives and urge their audience to seize the Rebbe’s message of empowerment with all those whom they encounter.

Michal Oshman, who has served in leadership roles at Facebook, eBay, and TikTok, describes a childhood living in the dark shadow of the Holocaust and its enduring traumatic impact. As a descendant of several survivors, she struggled to find joy and purpose in her own life “My grandmother used to feed me large amounts of chicken soup to ensure that when the next terrible tragedy struck, I’d have enough strength to last a few extra days” she shares. She spent her teens and twenties seeking a level of achievement and perfection in her own life that would finally bring her a sense of security and happiness.

Despite a meteoric rise through the ranks of the tech world and all the trappings of external success, it was only when she discovered the teachings of the Rebbe, which transformed her life. “I found a new source of meaning and purpose. The Rebbe’s ability to see the value and contribution of each individual as one charged with a divine mission enabled me to overcome my crippling feelings of anxiety and inadequacy” Michal says.

Joining her in extolling the power of the Rebbe’s message was Sivan Rahav Meir, a renowned Israeli journalist and speaker, who expressed how the Rebbe’s message of spreading Judaism through all available means influenced her own work as a journalist. “There is no need to compartmentalize my life, separating my work from my own values. If Torah is something valuable, the Rebbe taught me that I need to use my platform to share it with others”.

Arnie Herz, an attorney and community activist  from Long Island, shares how the experience of laying Tefillin and connecting to Chabad have empowered him to create positive change. “I’ve never met the Rebbe, though I wish I had, and yet he is a constant presence in my life, inspiring me to grow and inspire others, creating a ripple effect of holiness throughout the world. The Rebbe taught that as you focus on your circle of influence, it will continue to grow exponentially”.

JJ Eleff runs a successful deals blog, after the gruesome attacks on October 7th, he was inspired to create a grassroots campaign to buy Tefillin for those who committed to using them, purchasing over 1200 pairs, in tribute to the number of souls brutally cut down on that dark day.

“It is almost as if my whole life converged to bring me to this point. The Rebbe taught that if you know Alef, you must teach Alef. This gave me the strength and drive to pursue what I knew was right, against all odds”. 

Michal concludes “People think that leaders are people who have millions of social media followers, or heads of state. The Rebbe taught us differently – every person can have an impact, and is a vital player in actualizing the purpose of creation”.

This film was made possible by the Weissman family of Highland Park, Illinois.

Click here to watch Vision Alive.

To show this film at an event please click here.

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