Virtual Gimmel Tammuz Farbrengen for Yaldei Hashluchim Worldwide

Marking Gimmel Tammuz, hundreds of Yaldei Hashluchim across the globe will unite today for a Virtual Farbrengen, aiming to inspire and uplift young shluchim on this auspicious day.

Marking Gimmel Tammuz, hundreds of Yaldei Hashluchim across the globe will unite today for a Virtual Farbrengen. The Fabrengen, organized by the MyShliach Team at Merkos 302, aims to inspire and uplift young shluchim on the front lines of the Rebbe’s Shlichus on this auspicious day.

In the month leading up to Gimmel Tammuz, these young Soldiers of the Rebbe have been engaged in the “Hachana Program,” a preparatory initiative designed to strengthen their connection to the Rebbe in preparation for Gimmel Tammuz.

The event will be hosted by Avremi Rapoport and will feature multiple guests, including a surprise Farbrenger, and a Special Trivia Game with a chance to win prizes. Young Shluchim worldwide will join together for the 12 Pesukim and sing niggunim along with world-renowned singer Benny Friedman.

Tuesday Gimmel Tammuz; 

European Track 6:30 London Time

USA Track 7:00 pm EST

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