You Can Make a Real Difference in Crown Heights

The Brooklyn Community Board District 9 is accepting applications to become a “Resident Member” on any of its Committees. By joining, you will be able to vote on crucial matters affecting our community.

The Brooklyn Community Board District 9 is accepting applications to become a “Resident Member” on any of its Committees. This part-time volunteer position is open to all local residents, men and women alike. As a “Resident Member,” you will be able to vote on crucial matters affecting our community.

Key issues that “Resident Members” of Brooklyn CB9 can influence include:

  • New proposed MTA City Bus Routes on Albany Avenue (potentially endangering ULY) & additional MTA buses on Empire Blvd.
  • CitiBikes, many of which are underutilized and could be relocated to Eastern Parkway Island or sidewalks.
  • “Protected bike lanes” along Kingston & Brooklyn Avenues, which could delay emergency response times for Police, Fire, EMS, and local volunteer organizations.
  • The Mega Homeless Shelter (Kingsboro Psychiatric Shelter) at 681 Clarkson Ave (corner of Albany Ave) in south Crown Heights/East Flatbush, which will add 1000 more homeless individuals from other boroughs to our neighborhood.
  • The opening of liquor stores and marijuana dispensaries in our community, which can have significant social and economic impacts.

Additionally, there are plans for nearly a dozen other large homeless shelters with approximately 2000 beds that NYC and NYS are in the process of approving. Construction has already begun on three shelters from Utica Ave to New York Ave in south Crown Heights within the CB9 district.

A local resident from South Crown Heights shared with the Vaad Hakohol: “We already have multiple homeless shelters in this area that were forced upon us during COVID. The emotionally disturbed individuals from these shelters have taken over the neighborhood, committing various crimes day and night.”

Brooklyn Community Board 9 stated on social media, “We encourage local residents to apply to be a Committee Resident Member for the upcoming Community Board 9 session. The deadline to fill out the application is Monday, August 9, 2024, at 5 PM.” You can apply here.

By becoming a “Resident Member,” you will attend monthly meetings (about 2 hours in the evening) with your fellow Crown Heights/Brooklyn CB9 Committee members, where you can vote and voice your opinion on various matters affecting your community.

The Committees cover different aspects of the neighborhood, including:

  • Economic Development
  • Education & Library
  • Environmental Protection
  • Health & Social Services
  • Housing
  • Parks, Recreation & Culture
  • Public Safety
  • Transportation
  • ULURP/Land Use
  • Youth Services

The Vaad Hakohol recommends that all community members (and fellow Lubavitchers already on Community Board 9 but not part of any committees yet) apply for the following committees:

  • Environmental Protection
  • Housing
  • Public Safety
  • Transportation
  • ULURP/Land Use

These committees are crucial, as they have approved all the significant issues affecting our community.

You can apply here.

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