Start this new Chumash year cycle with a well-explained, easy-to-listen daily podcast by Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz.
Start this new Chumash year cycle with a well explained, easy to listen daily podcast.
Daily Chumash and Rashi with Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz is a daily podcast shiur that will start your day uplifted.
Listen every morning on Spotify, Anchor, Google podcasts & other podcast apps:
Join the Chumash WhatsApp group to be notified when new episodes come out:
For more info go to
For a full listing of shiurim from Irgun Torah, visit:
These programs depend on and are made possible through the generous support of individuals. Partner with us Partner with Torah
In honor of Shnas Hakhel, as per Rebbe’s directives to increase in Shiurei Torah, if you or your shul would like to start a new shiur, or promote a ongoing shul, please contact us at
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