Unique Teshura Tells Story of 770’s Legendary Rosh Yeshiva

At the bar mitzvah of Mordechai Tenenboim of Hewlett, Long Island, son of shliach Rabbi Nochem Tenenboim, a special teshura was published which tells the life story of Rabbi Mordechai Mentlik, after whom the bar mitzvah bochur is named.

Rabbi Mordechai Mentlik served as the Rosh Yeshiva of the Central Tomchei Temimim Yeshiva in 770 for many decades. He was a devoted chossid who served as the Rebbe’s sar hamashkim at farbrengens.

A teshura published for the bar mitzvah of Mordechai Tenenboim of Hewlett, Long Island, son of shliach Rabbi Nochem Tenenboim, tells the life story of Rabbi Mentlik, after whom the bar mitzvah bochur is named.

Download the teshura here.

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