‘Tzivos Hashem Day’ Introduced in Day Camps Around The World

Topsy Turvy Day, Pajama Day, Eretz Yisroel Day, and now Tzivos Hashem Day! Chabad day camps across America are now teaching campers all about The Rebbe’s revolutionary vision of seeing children as special forces in the army of Hashem.

Since the Rebbe launched the revolutionary Tzivos Hashem movement in 1980, it has grown into an international phenomenon. Regarding children as soldiers in Hashem’s army, the movement breathes life into everyday activities. Mitzvahs framed as mission demonstrate to kids how valued their input is to the world at large, contributing to the wider goal of making this world a dwelling place for Hashem

The CKids Brigade of Tzivos Hashem has thousands of active soldiers who complete Mitvza missions centered around Jewish holidays throughout the year. Missions are incorporated as practical takeaways from the innovative CKids Hebrew School curriculum and holiday club programs.

Tzivos Hashem and CKids provide resources for schools, camps, and homes. Their latest collaboration introduces a one-day program teaching campers all about Tzivos Hashem. This program aims to instill Jewish pride in children, encouraging them to spread the positive messages of Yiddishkeit to the world around them. The customizable schedule includes a kit to transform cars into mitzvah tanks with stencils, washable chalks, and cheerful slogans.

“The colorful scenes of Tzivos Hashem books, magazines, and programs have become a staple of Jewish childhood worldwide,” says Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, executive director of Merkos 302, CKids’ umbrella organization. “The Rebbe made every individual aware of the impact they can have on the world around them, especially children, to whom he gave extra attention.”

The interactive Mitzah Tank activity, channeling children’s excitement into infectious positivity, is just one of many on schedule for International Tzivos Hashem Day. Other activities include “Build the Beis Hamikdash” out of toothpicks and grapes, “Mitzvah jars” with mitzvah cutouts and fairy lights, and a game called “Ha Ha Simcha,” which is sure to bring uncontrollable joy and laughter to campers and counselors alike.

“The Rebbe emphasized that camp can have a bigger impact on a child than a full year of school. This themed day immerses kids in The Rebbe’s worldview where even a young child can impact others, a one day experience which is sure to have a long-lasting effect,” says Rabbi Zalmy Lowenthal, director of CKids International at Merkos 302.

International Tzivos Hashem Day, developed by Sarah Chein, Program Manager of the CKids’ Tzivos Hashem department, will fill the day in Gan Israel Camps around the states and beyond. The package incorporates a lesson plan for study sessions, activity supplies lists, detailed instructions, graphics, and more. The schedule can be customized to fit individual camps’ needs and themes, with rewards for completing Tzivos Hashem “missions” throughout the day.

For more information or to order the Tzivos Hashem Day kit, Click Here

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