Two Years After Being Stabbed, Shliach Doubles Down

Two years on from his brutal stabbing, Rabbi Shlomo Noginsky’s Rabbinical College continues to transform wounds into wellsprings of Jewish pride and identity.

Two and a half years ago the Jewish world was rattled by a harrowing anti-Semitic attack that took place outside the Shaloh House Jewish School in Boston, MA. 

Armed with a pistol and knife, a 24-year-old Arab terrorist approached the Shaloh House with the objective of causing harm to one hundred Jewish children inside. By Divine providence, Rabbi Shlomo Noginsky was standing outside at that moment and was confronted by the gun-wielding terrorist. 

What transpired next is a story of true courage and bravery.

Despite being threatened at gunpoint, Rabbi Noginski bravely drew the terrorist away from the building, saving the lives of the precious children inside. In the struggle that ensued Rabbi Noginski fought valiantly, holding off the assailant and sustaining eight stab wounds in the process. Arriving on the scene, the police arrested the assailant and rushed Rabbi Noginski to the nearest hospital where he underwent surgery. 

In the wake of the attack, Rabbi Noginski, a father of twelve and devoted Shliach to the Russian-speaking community, made a powerful and transformative decision with the full backing of Rabbi Dan Rodkin, the director of the Shaloh House.

Rabbi Noginski resolved, “This terrorist wanted to kill one Rabbi. I’m going to respond by opening a Rabbinical College and personally training eight new Rabbis every year – one Rabbi for each stab wound I received”.

While recovering from his wounds, Rabbi Noginski received an outpour of public support and went on to secure a beautiful premises for a Rabbinical College just ten months after suffering his attack. 

Standing at the ribbon-cutting ceremony, surrounded by family, friends, and dignitaries, Rabbi Noginski openly shared, “Over the past ten months, my wounds have healed and my pain has been slowly dwindling, but we have not been passive. When G-d saved me, I made a promise to expand my teaching activities, and we are now in the final stages of planning and developing a comprehensive state-of-the-art rabbinical program which we will launch this coming year. With this amazing new building, our dream is starting to become a reality”.

That summer, at the highly acclaimed JLI retreat, Rabbi Noginski was presented with the prestigious ‘Jewish Hero of the Year’ award – a tribute to his outstanding courage, bravery and heroic actions. 

Rabbi Noginsky is a true Torah scholar, receiving his smicha from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. He is an experienced educator, lecturer, and specialist in the field of family relationships, among many other roles.

At the beginning of the academic year, eight rabbinical students arrived. Rabbi Noginski and Rabbi Rodkin, known for their deep care of their fellow Jews, provided them with comfortable living quarters, delicious food, and extensive amenities. 

Throughout their year of studies, the students spent the first part of their day studying Halachic law under the guidance of Rabbi Noginski and the second part of their day engaging with the local Jewish community. During this time they had a truly transformative impact on the community, inspiring thousands to study Torah, lay Tefillin and sanctify their homes with Mezuzas and Kosher kitchens. 

They also had the opportunity to get real life practice officiating a Jewish Chupah, with nine Chupahs already taking place thanks to the Rabbinical students. One such occasion was especially meaningful when three Ukrainian-born couples had their Jewish weddings, after being already married for a collective total of 125 years! Growing up under the communist regime, they had been deprived of the opportunity when they first wed behind the iron curtain. 

As the first year came to a close, Rabbi Shlomo’s dream finally became a reality. Standing at the podium at the ordination ceremony, he beamed down with pride at his students holding their Rabbinical Certificates. Not even two years had passed since he was brutally stabbed. His journey had been one of transformation, turning darkness into light, hate into love, and transforming his wounds into eight new wellsprings of Jewish pride and identity.  

But the story doesn’t end here. 

Rabbi Noginski’s rabbinical program is now in its second year with a new group of eight student-rabbis who are continuing to light up and inspire the Boston Jewish community. They have launched many beautiful initiatives, including weekly Torah lessons, individual study sessions with community members, social events, Shabbat dinners, and much more. They are an integral part of the community, and no event is complete without their involvement. 

Please open your heart and make a donation to Rabbi Noginsky’s Rabbinical College, as they raise money to continue to double down against antisemitism and empower Jewish pride and identity throughout the Boston community. Together, we will prevail!   

Click on this link to donate!

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