Trump to Return to the Ohel to Fulfill His Promise

Fulfilling his pledge on his Oct 7 visit to come back and thank the Rebbe if he wins, newly elected President Donald Trump, or possibly a close member of his newly formed government, is planning to visit the Ohel in the coming days. Secret service members were seen around the Ohel.

By Reporter

Just 24 hours after Donald Trump’s historic second inauguration as President of the United States, Secret Service agents were reportedly seen near the Ohel, possibly coordinating a high-level visit.

Ariel Kahana, the Diplomatic and White House Correspondent for Israel Hayom daily, reported today from the White House that newly elected President Trump is expected to visit the Ohel in the coming days, fulfilling his pledge on his Oct 7 visit to come back and thank the Rebbe if he wins.

Trump’s previous visit to the Ohel took place during the Aseres Yemei Teshuva on October 7th, coinciding with the Gregorian anniversary of the tragic Simchas Torah massacre in Israel. He was accompanied by families of hostages, prominent Chabad figures, and notable commentator Ben Shapiro.

Reports indicate that during that visit, Trump pledged to return to the Ohel to express his gratitude if he emerged victorious in the election. At the time, his campaign was struggling in the polls, with a strong likelihood of his opponent winning. However, following his visit, the polls saw a remarkable shift in Trump’s favor, marking the beginning of a dramatic turnaround that ultimately led to his historic victory.

In an updated message to, Ariel Kahana said, “Preparations are being made for a high-profile visit to the Ohel, but it does not necessarily involve the President. Trump himself just stated that he will be traveling this week to North Carolina, Los Angeles, and Nevada.”

According to other reports, Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump might be the high-profile figures expected to visit, with both Vice President Vance and Secretary of State Marco Rubio also on the chart.


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  1. He should not be allowed after making the hostage deal which the rebbe strongly opposed and Aguch should tell him off

    1. Bibi should be admonished for accepting such a deal.

      Of course the president will push for a deal, all politicians want to score some points. The real concern is why Israel keeps doing this nonsense and continues the never ending cycle

      1. Goyim have bechirah in the sheva mitzvos and this is connected to shefichus damim and dinin and obviously it’s also Bibis fault but thanking the rebbe for making you win after doing the opposite from what the rebbe wants it’s a little chutzpah and the high ranking chabad politicians should teach the rebbes shitah before he enters

  2. Lav davka. We should not be idolizing him. He is a Ben Noach and understandably he will do not like a baal bechira. The issue, education and change of decisions needs to be directed to those in power in Eretz Yisroel, who are baalei bechira.

    Lev melochim vesarim beyad Hashem. With hope and prayer that Hashem directs him to move the Israelis to behave more in line with the Rebbe. Not the opposite.

  3. It’s not either/or. Just because Bibi bears responsibility for caving to pressure and not standing firm for what is right does not absolve those who put him under incredibly intense pressure to do so.

    Taking the logic that Trump bears no responsibility because a goy has no bechira to the end, you will have to absolve every single tzoirer that Jews have ever had, Hitler ym”sh included.

    You want to thank the Rebbe, how about not betraying every single Jew in Israel and placing their lives in an incredibly precarious situation.

  4. For 471 days children, women, men, soldiers (female and male), are suffering in the tunnels of Gaza waiting for Netanyahu to have the political courage to sign a ceasefire with the opposition of the Ultra Orthodox ministers Ben Gvir and Smotrich. This was the first right decision that he made with the support of Trump and you criticize it!!!! Do you the extent of the suffering in Israel during the last 1 1/2? I am not a great supporter of both but this imperfect ceasefire was the right thing to do. Thank God.

  5. Check out this sicha the Rebbe said about Carter, where although the Rebbe clearly outlines his frustration, the Rebbe thanks him for what he did during his term and overall gives a very positive vibe.
    So although he definitely shouldn’t have done what he did, it doesn’t necessarily make him a negative force who should forever be shunned.

    And I don’t think it’s the Rebbe’s way to say that an elected official should not visit him, even if he’s messed up (e.g. Mayor Dinkins after the 5751 riots).

  6. Not directly related.
    Nebuchadnezzar was no tzadik, yet for honoring hashem he was rewarded with מלוכה לו ולבניו.
    והנמשל מובן

  7. The Rebbe spoke strongly and painfully about this, and unfortunately was proven right time and time again, that this deal only encourages the terrorists to kidnap more hostages again, r”l-it got them exactly what they wanted.
    The mastermind of Oct. 7 was released in just such a deal.

  8. See likkut maynos 5738-9 pg. 239 where it’s brought that R’ Moshe herson wrote to the Rebbe that Jimmy Carter had promised to participate in the dinner however afterwards he spoke against Eretz Yisroel very strongly so rabbi herson thought to cancel his participation. The Rebbe instructed him not to do so and that through him participating in the dinner this will have a good effect on him.

    The Rebbe also wrote a letter to Alan dershowitz who asked why was Jesse Helms who was very anti-Israel honored at the Education Day reception put on by Chabad in Washington explaining that this is how he would be brought close and as it actually did take place with that senator.

  9. The Rebbe criticized Israeli Prime Ministers, such as Menachem Begin, for agreeing to territorial concessions (like the Sinai withdrawal), he did not criticize U.S. Presidents who also pressured Eretz Yisroel to make such concessions. Instead, he guided Israeli leaders on how to present their arguments to the U.S. administration. See here See see here

    While the Rebbe was unyielding in his principles when it came to defending the Eretz Yisroel and ensuring its security, he also recognized the importance of navigating international diplomacy with wisdom and pragmatism. He understood the complex realities that Israeli leaders faced, especially the immense pressure from the U.S., and sought to offer them guidance on how to maintain its security without compromising on key principles.

    In situations where the Rebbe disagreed with Israeli policies, his criticism was often aimed more at the actions of the leaders rather than at the external pressures or parties, such as the U.S. presidents. This could be because he felt that Israel, as a sovereign nation, had the responsibility to make decisions based on its own security needs, rather than being swayed by foreign influence.

    Ultimately, the Rebbe’s guidance was about protecting the long-term well-being of the Jewish people, and his critiques were meant to ensure that any agreement or concession made did not endanger Israel’s future. His approach to U.S. pressure was to offer support to Israeli leaders in standing firm and making the case for Israel’s needs, while still respecting the complexities of diplomacy.

  10. Sorry those that wrote that they should not let him come don’t know how the rebbe worked. Specially towards a person in the position like he has.

  11. it would be prudent to use the term “eyno yehudi”
    as opposed to the term used here which some feel is derogatory
    as far as teaching him the sheeta your totally off

    I cant believe the rebbe argued with hagon rav moshe feinstein ztl who has a teshuva written to then preimer golda meir to release terrorists to get back hostages

    1. just to point out that besides the issue of releasing terrorists who will definitely continue their evil, there’s an issue of making it easier from the land perspective for goyim to attack yidden, which is the Shulchan Aruch Siman Shin Chof Tes that the Rebbe always quoted שתהא הארץ נוחה ליכבש לפניהם, which most definitely applies in this deal as the yiddishe army is retreating from many of their important positions, most prominently the netzarim corridor which definitely brings more safety to the yidden living in eretz yisroel. so this deal is definitely against shulchan aruch

  12. the enemies know what works now. kidnap another one, get terrorists released, Kill more (Have Mercy Hashem), get more concessions and hostages… and where does it stop?
    Painful? 100 percent. But how can you possibly be so near sighted?!
    we should not alienate trump, because what does that do?
    But its a bad deal, which trump did to score some points, and Bibi, left his backbone and trust in G-d, on a man of flesh and blood.
    Forward looking, naturally this will cause devastation, and far greater.
    We hope Moshiach Comes before!

  13. If he said he’s going to come back and say thank you, it would be appropriate for him to go personally and not send anyone in his stead

  14. Would you sacrificed the remaining 95 hostages, living or dead to be right in history? Including babies. This is the decision that should be taken. What the future holds, only God knows.

    1. we are told by chazal not to rely on miracles. following the natural order of things, the terrorists being released directly leads to more terror attacks, and more yidden being killed and/or taken hostage R”l.
      in addition we are told to subdue the enemy עד רדתה, until it is totally vanquished.
      do we have a right to sacrifice 7 million yidden kein yirbu in the long term for approximately 50 living hostages?

      to sum up, no one is looking to be right in history, rather every yiddishe life is of infinite importance, and we dont want to lose any more ch”v. (besides the fact that there are other tactics to get hostages back that the government sadly hasnt been doing in the last year and a half, cuz theyre scared what the goyim around the world will say, instead of standing up for whats right and doing it even when its not popular. all of these topics were addressed by the Rebbe infinitely, each in its own context, which gives so much clarity as to what is appropriate and whats not)

      see here for a full article on this topic

  15. It is extremely important that President Trump visit the Ohel again! The Rebbe MHM has the chance to straighten him out about this pitiful hostage “deal.” It’s the best thing ever that he’s coming!

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