Toronto Simchas Beis Hashoeva Was An Incredible Show of Achdus

Photos: Moe Media

A Simchas Beis Hashoeva held in Toronto was more than just a celebration; It was a powerful show of achdus between the many Frum communities in Toronto. 

By reporter
Photos: Moe Media

Thousands of members of the various frum communities in Toronto joined together for joyful Simchas Beis Hashoeva held in front of 770 Chabad Gate.

Organized by Levi Ackermann and by Dovid Rodov of The CB”D House Toronto, the event paid tribute to bochur Meir Likhovetski a”h, who originally came up with the concept for such an event, but tragically passed away before he could see it through.

Bobov, Modern Orthodox, Chabad, Litvish, and Breslov were just some of the communities that joined the event, gathering together to celebrate the Yom Tov of Sukkos and the unity of Klal Yisroel.

The event began with a children’s program, which was dedicated to Atara Cohen a”h a young girl from Toronto who tragically passed away just recently in an accident.

The 12 pesukim were recited by children, led by Rabbi Eli Serebryanski, a story was told over by storyteller Yossi Blaustein, and the children enjoyed a BMX show and fire show.

Singers Shmuel and Bentzy Marcus of the 8th Day Band and Sruly Williger headlined the main event, with music arranged by Shlomo Simcha. The concert quickly turned into a lively dance, with Yidden of all types and stripes joining hands to rejoice.

Organizers gave thanks to Rabbi Moshe Spalter and Shomrim Toronto for their roles in making the event a reality.

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