Toras Emes Shluchim Conclude Two Powerful Years

A group of talmidim hashluchim to Yeshivas Toras Emes in Yerushalayim headed back to the USA after spending the past two years in the yeshiva.

By reporter

A group of talmidim hashluchim to Yeshivas Toras Emes in Yerushalayim headed back to the USA after spending the past two years in the yeshiva.

The group, consisting of bochurim Mendel Lerner, Yenkele Levin, Ahron Gruzman, Gedalia Rosenbluh, Dovid Oster and Sholom Ber Gurary.

The group had originally traveled to Eretz Yisroel in 5780, while the borders were still shut due to the coronavirus pandemic. Knowing of the yeshiva’s vital need for the talmidim hashluchim and the special spirit they bring to yeshiva, the hanhala arranged special permits to enter the country.

The shluchim spend the past two years inspiring the younger students and motivating them in their learning, while taking the opportunity to focus on their own studies as well.

This week, the yeshiva concluded for the year after continuing through most of the summer. With the end of the yeshiva year came the end of the shluchim’s two years, and they prepared to head back to the USA.

Before leaving, the made sure to pose for a group picture at the Kosel, and in front of the yeshiva together with Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Avrohom Lapidus.


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