The Itkin family invites you to join them this Monday evening at the JCM to mark the first yartzeit of Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Itkin AH.
The Itkin family invites you to join them this Monday evening to mark the first yartzeit of Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak ben Reb Meir Itkin A”H.
Join us at 8 pm in the JCM (lower level) for a farbrengen centered around the theme “Vehachai yiten el libo” (‘And the living should take to heart’). This special gathering will reflect on Rabbi Itkin’s remarkable life, legacy, and the invaluable lessons he shared.
As a devoted Shliach for over 40 years and a beloved Mashpia, Rabbi Itkin inspired countless students. His unwavering dedication to the Rebbe served as a shining example of a true Chossid, fully committed to his values and teachings.
Together, we’ll honor Rabbi Itkin’s memory and impact.
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