Tonight: Chof Cheshvan Farbrengen in Crown Heights

A chassidishe farbrengen will be held on Sunday night at Lefferts Shul to mark Chof Cheshvan, the birthday of the Rebbe Rashab, led by Rabbi Foleh Dubov.

A chassidishe farbrengen will be held on Sunday night to mark Chof Cheshvan, the birthday of the Rebbe Rashab.

The farbrengen will be held at Beis Eliyahu Nachum Ave, 672 Lefferts and will be led by Rabbi Foleh Dubov, mashpia in Oholei Torah mesivta.

Sunday night, eve of 20 Cheshvan.
8:00 PM – Ma’ariv, followed by farbrengen.


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  1. There is a farbrengen in East Flatbush tonight for 20 cheshvon with Rabbi Aron Leib Raskin at 63 E43rd st. Mariv at 830 pm followed by farbrengen

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