Tonight – A Dollar from the Rebbe for your Entire Family

Likras Shabbos will be drawing the first of the four raffles through which an entire family can win a dollar from the Rebbe.

In just a few hours, one lucky individual will win a dollar from the Rebbe for everyone in their immediate family!

This is the first opportunity out of four raffles that will be held in the upcoming weeks. Visit the website, to find out the dates of the upcoming raffles as they are announced.

It’s an offer that is extremely hard to come by – and may never be seen again!

For the past 16 years, Likras Shabbos has been spreading Chassidus to all who wish to learn its texts and bring the depth and power contained within the teachings of the Rebbe into their lives.

The weekly publication has illuminated the fire in thousands of souls and for many, their Shabbos is not complete without the copy of Likras Shabbos that they await all week long.

This year, Likras Shabbos has launched an ambitious project – A Million Lights.

1,000,000 copies of Likras Shabbos will be compiled, printed and distributed to tens of thousands of readers throughout the world in the upcoming year. The projected cost of this enormous undertaking is $200,000.

You can be a part of this incredible expression of Hafatzos HaMaayanos!

As the Rebbe once wrote in a letter, “the printing of this book of Chassidus has enabled thousands of individuals to partake in its teachings. The influence of these teachings will help them understand and solve their physical problems. Therefore, in addition to receiving great spiritual reward, you will also enjoy the fruits of your labor in the physical world as well.” (free translation)

Join today for your chance to win a dollar from the Rebbe for every single member of your immediate family.

For more information about Likras Shabbos and its projects visit


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