Tomchei Temimim Ocean Parkway – Where It All Clicks

Tomchei Temimim Ocean Parkway has launched an incredible auction with dozens of phenomenal prizes – just a click away!

At Tomchei Temimim Ocean Parkway, we focus on making sure that everything clicks and fits together. Our students benefit from a well rounded, chassidishe learning experience, including relevant, exciting curricula and programs by our warm and caring staff.  Our students are seen as individuals, entire worlds!

At Tomchei Temimim Ocean Parkway, our investment in the success of our students goes way beyond their academic success, as we guide them in their journey through their limud hatorah and encourage them to strive higher to maximize their potential.  We take great care that their success is one that is matched by personal growth, yiras shamayim, and the development of good middos, as we raise chassidim of the next generation.

Tomchei Temimim Ocean Parkway – We make it click for our students. 

With the learning material – with the staff – with their classmates – with themselves.

Now, you can help us provide the very best for our students – with just one click!

Join our auction and win phenomenal prizes such as:

$10,000 Cash

A Luxurious Wig

A Florida Getaway for Two

And much more!

Buy your tickets today at:


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