A Moment with the Rebbe: Reb Mottel Shusterman related that the Rebbe encouraged him to buy a house even though he said he didn’t have the means. “Others, worse off than you, have managed to buy,” the Rebbe cajoled him.
As a rule, the Rebbe encouraged people whenever possible to buy a home rather than rent.
In one letter the Rebbe wrote, “My opinion is known, that it is better to purchase than rent, because that same money could pay off a mortgage instead of going to the landlord.” (Igros Kodesh Vol. 17, page 69)
Reb Mottel Shusterman related that the Rebbe encouraged him to buy, even though he said he didn’t have the means. “Others, worse off than you, have managed to buy,” the Rebbe cajoled him. (Lema’an Yeidu, p. 133)
When Rebbetzin Chana moved to a new rented apartment in the winter of 5712 (1952), the Rebbe said to her that it is customary to wish on such an occasion, “Fun dem in an eigener – from this rented apartment, you should move to your own.”
(Teitelbaum Teshurah, Cheshvan 5769)