Watch: Rabbi Mendel Kaplan, Director of Chabad Flamingo, presents a series of classes on the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash, Megillas Eicha, and Gemara Perek Hanizakin.
Tisha B’av Class On The Churban Gemara Perek Hanizakin
Eicha – Tisha B’av – Mourning for what was, and yearning for the Comfort to come
Mamar Tzion Bemishpat Tipadeh 5746
The Betrayal – Class On Megillat Eicha
More Teachings of Talmud on the Churbanot – Tisha B’Av 5788
The Churbanot of the Battie Mikdash and Beitar – Tisha B’Av 5788
Judah has Gone Into Exile… Midrash Eicha —chapter 1; 3