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More than 10,000 people visited the Chabad hospitality tent at the Arizal’s tziyun this Hey Av.
As in previous years, Chabad in Tzfas set up a large and beautiful hospitality tent for all those visiting the Ariza’s kever, on his yartzeit, Hey Av.
The tent operated continuously for 24 hours, where delicious meals were served to all the guests.
Additionally, a tent was especially set aside for davening, and another for learning, where shiurim in Chassidus were given by Rabbi Eliyahu Friedman, Rabbi Asi Spiegel, and Rabbi Menachem Mintzberg.
Videos of the Rebbe played outside, and visitors had the opportunity to buy Sifrei Chassidus at steeply discounted prices.
Separate tents were also set up for women, with special shiurim in Chasssidus delivered there as well.
A Siyum HaRambam was also held there. Rabbi Mordechai Bistritzky, rov of Chabad in Tzfas concluded the Rambam, and Tzfas Chief Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, began studying the new cycle.
The entire event was organized and directed by shliach to Tzfas Rabbi Chaim Kaplan.