We share a list of Crown Heights Sholom Zochors for the week of Shabbos Parshas Devorim.
Zalman and Altie (nee Deitsch) Heller 619 Empire Blvd (Between Kingston and Albany)
Zalman and Esther (nee Hecht) Abend 825 Montgomery St. (between Albany and Troy.)
Chaim Dovid and Aidela (nee Zirkind) Lavner 842 Eastern Parkway Apt 4 (Between Kingston and Albany)
Zevy and Gitty (née Prus) Steiger 405 Troy Ave. (Corner Montgomery)
Shlome and Ariella (nee Nates) Kohn – Congregation Beis Avrohom Yitzchok 270 East 91st St. (between Clarkson Ave and Winthrop St)
Aharon and Elky (nee Goodman) Spielman – 985 Lincoln Place (between Kingston and Brooklyn)
Dovid and Ellie (nee Glickman) Gaerman – 10 Stonehurst Court, Pomona, NY
To send in your sholom zochor email us at [email protected].